Monday, December 18, 2023





…It’s not a sympathy play, but no matter what, I’m always on the outside, looking in.


…Wait, so therapy doesn’t count?


…I’ve probably written over 70 stories about twins, usually a boy and girl. Often times, the only way they communicate is through telepathy, or else sign language. I wonder what that means, what it says about me.


…I should have asked more questions. And better ones.


…It’s a good thing God doesn’t care about football, or else I’d think there was no God.


…Ouch. That last one is going to leave a mark.


…Maybe it’s actually Sunday that I hate.


…If you say what you mean, sometimes it’s going to bite you in the ass, like really sharp and hard.


Once bitten, twice shy.


…Everybody’s looking for something. Or so I’ve been told.


…I just want to smile like I mean it.


…I could use a dog, or a cat, something soft nearby, to touch.


…It’s no one’s fault if we’ve run out of things to say.


…Why in the fuck would Kayne, or his handlers, think selling hoodies with swastikas on them, is a good idea?


…Love who you love. Take the meds you need. Make your own body decisions. Fuck the Supreme Court. Don’t listen to the noise.


…“I need your help,” is not something I like to say very often, even when I very much should.


…Hate on Amazon all you want, but they get it done, and quickly, sometimes within seven hours.


…It’s not worth looking back when there’s nothing there.


…Death by papercuts is the very worst way to die.


He’s got the whole world in his hands.


…I’m trying to feel a lot less, while feeling a whole lot more.


…Poor Glenn Campbell.


…I see it, New Year’s, staring straight me in the eye, like it doesn’t trust me or believe me, same as you—a different set of twins, yet the same.


…You can paint that picture any way you like, but I still know how it looked upon first view.


…I’m guessing “bouncy” walking isn’t a good sign of things to come.


…I’m guessing a straw in your champagne flute isn’t either.


…But a good omen is I saw a white butterfly today, so there’s that.


…I should keep these one-liners to myself.


…I don’t know if it’s so much communicating as it is seeing things differently.


…I used to think Christmas was the worst holiday ever, but I’ve come around, if even this slowly.


…That could have been “Holding,” or a “False Start,” or even a “Horse Collar.” As always, it depends on the Ref.


…I can, “Give a Fuck,” when there’s reasonable effort on the other side.




…I can’t wait for the Winter Solstice, so that these days grow longer. I don’t want to bitch, but man, it sure gets Big-Dark this time of year. Just ask anyone.


…You’ve gotta love where you live for a reason. Same as who you love.


…Adult tantrums always remind us that we haven’t lost the “kid” in us.


…Our kids, and their kids, are really going to have a rough go. There’s no getting around that. I seriously hope they can make it.


…Property management—someone’s got to do it.


Demon Copperhead blew my head off. All 500 pages of it.


…What we don’t need now is to be called for “Unnecessary Roughness.”


…“Time permitting,” I might even say what I really think.


…I don’t think there’s another marathon in my future.


…I think I got a lot of things wrong, and I’m sorry for that, but I really did try.


…I think I think too much, and sometimes, not enough.


…After everything is said and done, I still think you’re pretty wonderful.


…I think I just might delete this entire post.


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