Friday, December 15, 2023




…That’s it, then. 


…But not really.


…“It’s so much better to be safe than sorry.”


Why you gotta be so mean?


…So much to be thankful for.


…Friday, I’ll try not to hate you today. And also, just so you know, it’s never your fault. It’s always on me.


…It’s probably a good idea to remind yourself that happiness is free. And a choice.


…I can’t get out of my own way, which is saying something since I’m not much more than a shadow.


…You give up that easy, you just give up. And maybe that’s okay if  nothing really mattered to you.


…Exasperating isn’t the half of it.


…A 91-year-old can teach you almost everything you need to know about life.


…Be More Like Ray… I need to remember that.


…All these years later and I’m still looking for answers that I’m pretty sure I’ll never find.


…Never thought I’d have an old person’s penmanship, but, well…


…I remember working really hard on my handwriting as a kid. I also remember, in 7th grade, Mr. Weir asking me, in front of the entire class, why I wrote like a girl.


…When you’re slapped so hard your nose bleeds is when you know you’ve really been slapped the right way.


…It’s amazing the difference a $100 bill can make.


…Most surprises aren’t good ones, so, I’m not a fan of them.


…I keep getting more and more introverted. Eventually, I might even stop talking to myself.


…“These aren’t adult choices we’re talking about.”


…I saw the skinniest person I’ve ever seen in real life and, to be honest, I was just a little bit jealous.


…I’m pretty sure I was over-served yesterday, and the day before that.


…It’s been a couple of weeks since I mentioned how much I miss Lucy, so…


…It feels pretty good to pray without any expectations whatsoever. Just to pray, or talk, or whatever you want to call it. 


…Hey, if you want to be that way, go for it. Good luck, Chuck.


…When I grow up, I want nothing more than to be a teacher.


…My watch just told me I have “no events today.” Shocker. It also told me to get up off my ass. Again: Shocker.


…It’s hard to abide people who aren’t aware of how loud they talk when in close proximity to others.


…Doesn’t everyone want to see an actual ending?


…I could hide behind this hair again, but it’d still be thin and grey.


…Bulimia isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but then again, steroids aren’t either.


…Sometimes you gotta laugh, or else you’re gonna die trying.


--Was she cuter than shit? Because I‘m pretty sure she was cuter than shit?

--Dude, she was actually cuter than shit.


…Be careful about what you miss too much.


…I’m no longer sure I believe any of it, but that’s fiction for you.


…I’m definitely writing a story with “bunny” in it somewhere tomorrow. So, there’s that.


I’m too low for zero.


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