…“Medicine, law, business, engineering—these are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance and love—these are what we stay alive for.” Robin Williams, Dead Poet’s Society
…I wish I was better at fixing things, but I don’t see that happening.
…Thanks for indulging me this week, if you did. The best way for me to deal with my disgruntled thoughts and feelings is to drink, or write about them. And, well, I don’t drink anymore.
…Those are all my books. I realized I needed a pic of them, something to look at when I wonder why.
…Hey, did you happen to see? We passed three and a half million pageviews at some point this week. It’s a little hard for me to believe. Thank you for being here, through thick and a lot of thin. I’m so grateful.
…What a treat to revisit a forgotten album and realize all over how great it still is.
…Who knew skin tags would be a thing?
…“I was a romantic and sentimental creature, with a tendency towards solitude.” Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits
…At least if you’re feeling full, you’re feeling something.
…I know those peculiar lumps all over my arm were merely misplaced saline, but they just as easily could have been pockets of trapped fury.
…Apparently angels clock out at the end of the day. too.
…Listening more, better—what a good idea!
…You can’t love the snow if it’s only on your terms.
…“You appeared in 54 searches.”
…I can’t be the only one who weighs themselves every day, can I?
…COVID was an extremely horrible period, but this is its own kind of horror.
--“How do you deal with mentally ill people who won’t help themselves?”
--“Date them for two years.”
…What a sight, to watch the eagle flying through the falling snow.
…You know things are wonky when you can’t even keep the promises you make to yourself.
…Sometimes it’s hard to know how to be a good friend.
…Until last year, I never knew how many things I didn’t know.
…Bathing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
…You have to have a lot of confidence to call yourself “Baby” in third person, but if you can pull it off, it’s kind of cute.
--“How’s it going?”
--“Up and not crying.”
…I saw someone wearing a t-shirt that said: INNER PEACE BEGINS WITH FOUR WORDS—not my fucking problem.
But what if it is my problem?
…What kind of kid hates snow days? I did. What a weirdo.
…There’s an ad I get on my phone occasionally that shows this frisky dog hopping and pouncing around trying to capture a jiggly rubber ball. Talk about cute. I could watch that thing for hours.
…When John came back to the east coast as president of the company and visited my store, the first thing he wanted to do was go to the receiving dock and meet the people working there. Not knowing who he was, a new guy I didn’t know got friendly with John right away, and John being John was as kind to him as could be. This guy danced around about his car breaking down and asked could John loan him a little something. After John had handed over $50 and we were walking away I said, “You know that guy was only scamming you, right?” And John said, “Len, you know it was only fifty dollars, right?” and we walked up to the main level.
…“Suffering feels religious if you do it right.” Chelsea Hodson
…I’ve heard of a burst blood vessel, but a burst vein? Hurts like fucking hell.
…Can’t make it up, even if you tried.
…It’s hard to imagine how the ducks can tolerate the frigid lake, let alone them diving under repeatedly.
...“To be honest, the way I feel about my friendships does border on the romantic. I want to sing love songs for them. Ones about long evenings together, waking up together, cooking for them, long phone calls, expressiveness.” Sophie Mackintosh
…Even the diamonds look like rocks to the untrained eye.
…“We want to keep your heart rate as low as possible, so don’t use your inhaler beforehand unless you have to. We understand that breathing is important.”
…“When you have depression it's like it snows every day. Some days it's only a couple of inches.” Anthony Bourdain
…I wonder how many letters never get sent.
…Whenever getting needle stuck, never offer up your dominant hand, even if the veins look better there.
…When you grow up poor, you’re always poor in your mind, even if you have it all.
…Things from the “What did they say?” category this week that caught my eye:
--“This is one of the worst people ever born.” Van Jones on Darren Beattie, former white nationalist appointed to undersecretary of state for public diplomacy.
--“Cocaine is no worse than whisky. It should be sold just like wine. It’s only illegal because it comes from Latin America.” Colombian President Gustavo Petro
--“It is what it is. Let’s ride, Warden.” Steven Nelson’s last words after being executed for killing a pastor in his own church, days after being released from a court-ordered anger management program.
--“Are you trying to remove that, because it doesn’t come off.” Adrien Brody to a makeup artist mistaking his nose for a prosthetic
…When it’s this cold out, it’s really hard to get out of the shower.
…Isn’t it supposed to be give-and-take? Because I think it is.
…“i am running into a new year
and the old years blow back
like a wind
that i catch in my hair
like strong fingers like
all my old promises and
it will be hard to let go
of what i said to myself
about myself”
--Lucille Clifton
…Hey, have a great Super Bowl weekend. I hope your team wins.