…Happy New Year! I hope 2013 is your best ever.
Today is the fulcrum, a good day for reflection
as well as for looking to the future. There were some great moments and achievements in 2012, yet the year left me wanting. I wasn’t nearly as productive as in the past. In fact, toward the latter part of the year I was a lazy ass.
Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions? I have. Apparently I am going to be industrious, healthy and agented.
My list is very similar to other years, and I think that’s okay. They key, of course, is staying on track.
…This afternoon I’m going to see “Life
of Pi.” I’m on a quest to see all the
films that will likely be nominated for Best Picture.
I read “Pi” a few years back. It was a struggle for the first 100 pages,
but I remember the ending being hysterical.Should be interesting.
…Here are some thing to ponder as we sit
on the cusp of a new beginning:
laugh when you can. It is cheap
medicine." Lord Byron
"Sometimes, watching a movie is a bit like being raped." Luis Bunuel
"Though my problems are all meaningless, that don't make them go away." Neil Young
"When you go to a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges." Jack Handey
"You can win a girl with a poem, but you can't keep
a girl with a poem. Not even a whole poetry movement." Roberto Bolano
"Don't believe everything you think." Dr. Lance Sobel
"Don't believe everything you think." Dr. Lance Sobel
limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Ludwig Wittgenstein
archer knows the target. The poet knows
the waste basket." Ron Akron
is essentially a state of going somewhere, wholeheartedly, one-directionally,
without regret or reservation." William H. Sheldon
"If we
all said to people's faces what we say behind one another's backs, society
would be impossible." Balzac
-“Everyone takes everyone for granted.”
-“Discharging semen is an unbeatable
sensation.”-“He made every effort to remember a time when he was not just the sum of his urges.”
-“He wondered what kind of life he might have had if he had paid attention from the beginning.” – Joshua Ferris