Monday, January 9, 2023




…The good news is that, after you’ve had a rough weekend, if you happen to make it through, there’s still a new week staring at you, eyes wide open, and here are some things I'd like to cite, to acknowledge that fact…


"My strategy is I don't look at the crowd, I look straight ahead and think of the good things that happened to you." 9-yearold Kayden Hern, newly named poet laureate of New York, on reading his work to audiences


“I do think most questions can be answered by standing in front of the ocean.” Nancy Stohlman


“I’ m going to enjoy whatever’s coming. I’m going to go to it laughing. And whatever happens after that, well, it was enough.” Brendan Fraser


“No matter what age someone is- death is still our enemy. “ Karen Keller


“Poetry is unlike other art forms because you can’t really do it for a living. It seems more a helpless disposition. I always think poetry may be one corner of a larger syndrome. It often involves obsessive and addictive personalities – and mental illness. Most poets can’t drive a car and the ones who do drive, shouldn’t.” Don Paterson


"Be proud of yourselves, whatever you do. Don't let anyone put you down. If you're gonna be angry, be angry at them. Celebrate yourself. Depression is part of being alive sometimes, as is anxiety. Life is tough." Anthony Hopkins


“What kept me going was that perfect song I kept hearing, just beyond the field of perceptible sound.” Joy Harjo


“At age 60, 70, later, you have so much more to contribute—don’t just sit down and say, ‘I’m done’.” Donna Mills


“What a lovely surprise to discover how unlonely being alone can be.” Ellen Burstyn


“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”  Marcel Proust


“Far is seldom far enough, except when it comes to you.” Vahni Capildeo


“The best advice I ever had, that I extend to you, is ‘Be yourself’. You're the only person in the history of the world who is you.” Nancy Pelosi


“We were boys, built to love what was in front of our faces.” Kaveh Akbar


“I am convinced that LOVE is real…and that to live in it, through it, because of it, and AS it… is the meaning of life.” Ryan Meeks


“I think...if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.

And every real heart has its own skeletons.”

~Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina


“In this there is no measuring with time, a year doesn’t matter, and ten years are nothing. Being an artist means: not numbering and counting, but ripening like a tree.” Rainer Maria Rilke


“I'm a little buttercup in my yellow nightie

eating my eight loaves in a row

and in a certain order as in

the laying on of hands

or the black sacrament.

It's a ceremony

but like any other sport

it's full of rules.

It's like a musical tennis match where

my mouth keeps catching the ball.

Then I lie on; my altar

elevated by the eight chemical kisses.”

Anne Sexton, “The Addict”


“Everything that lives is holy.” William Blake


“Find where light in darkness lies.” Shakespeare


“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease, forever, to be able to do it.” J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan


“Dogs are better than human beings, because they know, but do not tell.” Emily Dickinson 


“Love fiercely, because this all ends.” Danny Cafaro

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