Sunday, July 25, 2021

                —I’VE GOT A LOT TO LEARN



…Getting an early jump here because it’s a busy week, soon to be happening. 

And just maybe I’ll finally sleep past 3am, for once.

...Wishing you tons of love this week…


…"I've always said that the world is a different place for the heartbroken. It moves on a different axis, at a different speed. Time skips backwards and forwards fleetingly. The heartbroken might go through thousands of micro-emotions a day trying to figure out how to get through it without picking up the phone to hear that old familiar voice." Taylor Swift 


…“I believe that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise.” Margaret Atwood


…“I was myself at that time barely out of rehab and was thirstily seeking less complicated women so I barely reflected on the now glaringly obvious fact that Winehouse and I shared an affliction, the disease of addiction. All addicts, regardless of the substance or their social status share a consistent and obvious symptom; they’re not quite present when you talk to them. They communicate to you through a barely discernible but un-ignorable veil. Whether a homeless smack head troubling you for 50p for a cup of tea or a coked-up, pinstriped exec foaming off about his speedboat, there is a toxic aura that prevents connection. They have about them the air of elsewhere, that they’re looking through you to somewhere else they’d rather be. And of course, they are. The priority of any addict is to anaesthetize the pain of living to ease the passage of the day with some purchased relief.” Russell Brand on Amy Winehouse


…“I’ll call your name. I will say it over and over, like a prayer.” Marissa Glover.


…Why darling, I don't live at all when I'm not with you. 

Ernest Hemmingway, A Farwell to Arms


 …“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou


…"How can I begin 

anything new with 

all of yesterday in me? "

    --Leonard Cohen


…“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.” Chuck Palahniuk


…"Go inside a stone

That would be my way.

Let somebody else become a dove

Or gnash with a tiger's tooth.

I am happy to be a stone." 

  --Charles Simic


…“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” -Dolly Parton


…“People ask me, ‘Are your boobs natural?’ Like, No, they’re actually supernatural. Very haunted. They’re big because of all the ghosts.” Layla Beth Munk


…“To see, we must forget the name of the thing we’re looking at.” Rumi


…“I have decided, with a peaceful spirit, a loving heart, and a clear mind, that some people can still kiss my ass.” Christina Springer

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