Friday, September 27, 2024




Right There Right Now


   (after Bailey Kuntz)


I tried to 

drown with you 

to see what’s

under that cryptic swell

your siren breasts 

pert and gleaming

intoxicating like an 

invitation to a snuff film 

kept under lock and key

I floated from the ceiling 

clinging for a foothold

mountainside chips 

ricocheting in the maw

while you or I filled 

refilled emptied and refilled 

the cemetery plot

like a mercenary 

with an unquenchable 

thirst for slaughter

The fires I used to set  

were once meant for me 

yet as I watched 

the flames flicker 

and smolder this time around

I floated down 

stood up 


let the sun 

hit my face 

square as a slap 

impertinent deliverance 

and damn 

God damn

I’m telling you now

I danced

a jig or twelve

right there 

right then

loved lucky and learning

how to really 

be alive

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