Monday, July 8, 2019


…This morning, sitting here, I wish I was water.

 …The only upside is, that colossal doubt is finally resolved.

…Sometimes it feels like I don’t know anything at all.

…Ever get so angry you can’t type?  Can’t think straight?

…“What’s the point?”  That’s always a good question to ask yourself before you begin something.

…Everything you’re reading right now, if in fact you are reading this right now, I wrote longhand this morning.  Sometimes going old school is a little liberating, yet here I am.

…Using science to mess with genetic makeup is fucked up, but I don’t think I’d mind it if there was a way to keep some kittens and puppies, kittens and puppies their whole life.

…A couple of people drunk-dialed me the other night.  One of them said to her friend, “He’s not even going to know who this is.”  She was correct, but I appreciate the thought.

…I’m not counting half-days yet, but I’m about to.

Every other day of the week is fine.

…This is my sandbox.  It may not be the world’s most perfect sandbox, but it’s mine.

…The sun is shining, so there’s that.

…There’s forgiveness, and then there are those things you never get over, otherwise it’d be like trying to convince yourself that the scar on your hand is not a scar.

…This is not the story one wishes to tell.

…Monday mornings are the best time to go to the bakery.  No one else is there but the starches and windows.

…Cat’s got my tongue, but apparently not my pen.

…The stuff that goes through a person’s mind—just, wow.

…Someone once sent me a note saying these blog scribbles were like pages ripped out of their own diary.  If that’s really the case, I sincerely apologize.

It says something for the legal boys, but not that much for us…

…Sometimes not seeing the end is enough.  Sometimes you don’t even get that choice.

…I watched a documentary about a little boy, three years-old, who saw his father shoot and kill the boy’s mom.  Fast-forward twenty years and the boy, now a man, has no recollection of the murder whatsoever.  That seems kind of hard to believe, that after all the horror, he could be so lucky.

…A person who can keep their promises is someone you should keep around.

…31 more…

…I wonder what the other criminals are doing today.

…The fish looked so happy before I left this morning, like they knew something I didn’t.

…Sometimes “You should be happier” is a tall order.

…But today I’m happy.  I tell myself that.  I repeat it over and over and over, like a numbing mantra, one more lie you can put in the bank.

…Everything feels different now, and I just feel really stupid.

…Don’t cry for me, Argentina.  Don’t cry for me at all.

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