Monday, April 8, 2013


…It's a new week and there's plenty to be happy about.
What makes you happy?

…Here are some things that probably won't make you happy, but will be interesting, hopefully:

…(this is actually true) A bill passed the Montana state Senate Thursday would allow cops to issue permits for the salvage of such road kill as deer, elk, moose and antelope. It’s hoped that it would help to feed the poor.  The state House has already passed it, so it’s on to the governor.

…(this is true, too, and sad) Every day, 7,000 kids drop out of high school.  That's one every 26 seconds.

…(this is also sad, and no one really seems to be doing anything about it) 70,000 people have been killed in Syria since that country's uprising, and that rate continues to climb at a rate of 5,000 more per month.

…(changing topics now, and going very random) 49% of all Americans favor legalizing Gay marriage versus 33% ten years ago.

…Former President Bill Clinton has earned more than $89 million dollars from speaking fees since leaving office.

…You can get $500,000 from the tabloids if you have a photo of Blue Ivy, daughter of Beyonce and Jay Z.

…284,000 college graduates had minimum wage jobs last year.

…In the week following the Newtown school massacre, more than 100 Americans were killed by gunfire.  In the seven weeks since, 1,285 people have been killed by guns in the US.

…Each day 4,000,000 tweets are sent.

…The first cell phone was used on this month 40 years ago.

…China uses 20% of the world's energy.  The US 19%.  Russia 6%.  India 4%.

…Cheese cake is the most-ordered dessert item, followed by chocolate cake, followed by Tiramisu, Baklava, and Cannoli.

…It costs two cents to make a penny.

…The percentage of one-earner families in which the wife works full-time is now over 23% compared with 6% in 1976.

…3.1 million people work at home compared with 1.8 million six years earlier.

…One in three elderly in the U.S. die with dementia.

…The average cost of an engagement ring is $5,229.

…Average age of a first time groom is 29 years old.

…Average amount spent on a couple's wedding is $27,000.

…20,000 -the number of cancer cases that could be prevented annually if half of all Americans ate one extra serving of produce daily.

…75 -number of minutes of moderate exercise you need weekly to add nearly 2 years to your life.

…25.5% of all fires start in the kitchen; 15.7% in the bedroom; 8.6% in the living room; 8.2% in the chimney.

…13 out of every million people will die in a house fire this year.  The leading causes, in order, are cooking, arson, heating, and careless smoking.

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