Monday, January 8, 2018


...Which is to say, we're in store for good things if we can let them find us, if we are willing to work hard enough to find them ourselves.

...People can make themselves believe anything.  I get it.  You get desperate enough and what other choice is there?

...Is there anything worse than fool's gold?

....You can't really tell the sun what to do.  It ain't listening.  It's got a mind of its own.

...What a wicked thing to do, to make me think of you.

....In terms of being out of the pool, I am smack dab in the middle where the drain gurgles six feet below.

...It's pretty difficult to outrun the rain.  I've tried it plenty of times and all I got was soaked.

...I've been scraping a dead body out of this place every day.

...All that unused ink is really piling up.

....You think you know someone, but do you really?  Now there's a question for the ages.

...Sometimes we face an impossible loss and spend our nights studying the moon.

....Maybe it would help if we could just take forever one minute at a time.

....One of the worst things is having people in your life who don't believe in you.  Worse yet is if they don't even believe you in the first place. 

...Resentments make even the best of us feel superior.

...They say elephants can recognize the bones of a dead loved one when they stumble upon them in the wild.  They will stop and wander among the huge, decaying bones, swinging their tusks, braying in despair.

....It feels different to mourn something without naming its name.  

...You know, for a world that demands direction, I certainly have none.

...Really, I don't know how smart I am, and that, above all else, keeps me working, and working hard.

...I know I can be as confused as anybody else.  

...All the best myths have been juggled about, so it's often hard to know what is what, and to still keep on believing in them.

...The heart and the skin are soft--they take what is done to them.

...I can become a very tragic figure in my own mind if I don't make the effort to be happier than I might otherwise be. 

...Treating things lightly is indeed the answer to much.

...Listen hard enough and you can feel the rhythm of ache.

...And still my thoughts go on with the never-ending pace, with an urgency that knows not why.

...The thing to understand is, the world is ours, but we walk in it unnoticed.

....The imaginary is what becomes real, and when it does, there's not enough paint to paint it black.

...Down with people, damn it.

...Now I am a confused and wondering individual.

...Those joys, sorrows and upsets help you find yourself, help you build real value in your life.

....This is my little diary of ups and downs, of reaching and falling, of soaring and crashing and burning.

1 comment:

  1. Love your seemingly random thoughts. Never random. Often poetic prose. Great prompts!
