Friday, April 30, 2021





Brick Room



She says, “But I’m not a bleeder.”

Her eyes are alarm clocks blinking.

Her knees bounce.

These places are so white and so tight.

The woman coming up to us

is not a nurse but her voice is soft.

She says they’re ready for my daughter now.

Walking down the white-walled hall I hear her

tell Amy not to worry, that she made the right choice.

Amy lifts her rag doll head then,

a thin smile parting open,                                                      

looks over her shoulder at me and says,

“See Dad, I’m not a murderer.”


Wednesday, April 28, 2021





         I am wearing the same Frye boots I bought at age twenty-three, used boots then, used now.   Gary threw one at me when we were watching “American Idol” and he didn’t think I was paying attention.  The heel hit me square in the eye and now I have only one that works.  Sometimes I like it better that way.  The world’s not always a pretty picture.

         Even after that episode I stayed, lingered like an alley cat scared by vagrants and night sounds but still starving.  What I was famished for was love, even a facsimile of it, even a cruel torch masquerading as love, and so I stayed with Gary too many months and years until my family disowned me for my weakness, my lack of spine, as Dad said.

         A knife to the throat one evening in bed tipped things for me.  Gary liked it weird in bed—holding an unloaded Luger to my head as he took me doggy, a pair of used panties stretched across my face as he took me doggy, searing hot candle wax dripped down the back of my neck and across my shoulder blades as he took me doggy.

         The guy in the apartment above has been coming around when I go out to the patio to smoke.  He says I look too wounded to be alone.  He’s asked me out but I keep saying no.  He seems like good people and it’s a mistake for someone like me to pass up such an offer, but when you only have one seeing-eye your focus is always off.  You get clumsy.  You miss things.  The world is tilted.

         Today was the first day of school, and as usual I was nervous how the kids would react when they saw me because it always happens in one form or another.

         As we broke for recess, sweet little Fiona with her afro and Sues-striped socks up to her thighs pointed and asked if I was an ogre.  Kids are smarter than you think.  At any age, they are.  She was just being a child, curious, a seven year old with no will ill yet.

         When I laughed and raised my arms, making my hands into claws she started to whimper.  I felt like shit about that, and said, “No.  No.  I’m a human being.  I’m real.”

         I went to Group for a few years after leaving Gary.  People shared their stories.  Some of it was very hard to hear, some of it heart-crushing, some of it self-pity.  It took almost as much strength to stop going as it did to leave Gary because Group was the only place I felt safe, even though I knew feeling that way just made me weaker, less.

         One woman there had been burned with lit cigarettes on her face so many times that her skin was a rope of wedges melded into each other, like moon craters if moon craters were skin and not quite as deep.  People called her “The Thing” because she resembled a deformed comic book hero.

         When I phoned last night, for no reason other than I was thinking of her out of the blue, her sister answered and I found out about the suicide.  The pull of darkness and despair can get to a point where a quick end seems inevitable and there’s no alternative.  People who call suicide victims selfish don’t get it.  They’ve never been there.  Life is that much brighter for them.

         I look at my boots now, noticing a nail is coming through the left heel like a snaggletooth.  I hadn’t felt it when walking, hadn’t detected it at all until now, and I feel even more blind than I am, more stupid, sort of how a relationship can be lethal even when you’re in it and all the signs are right there, red flares screaming at you to run.

         When the kids clamber back into class, I stand up and write on the chalk board Something I want to teach you, then erase it and write Something I need to teach you is how to love the right way.

         Turning around, I see Fiona’s upraised hand.

         “Yes, Fiona?”

         “I already know that one.”

“You do?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yep.  My Daddy loves my Mom.  He calls her Baby and they hold hands when they watch TV.”

         I let myself smile.  “That’s good,” I say.  “Let’s start there.”


Monday, April 26, 2021





Too Late to Pray


It’s too late to pray

so we sift through

the fabric and weave

of our ancestry

trying to forge a

new history

where we have

meaning and a name

where we’re not

slurs or shell casings

where the same rain

that falls on your head

lands just the same on ours

no more sprayed bullets

or crimson on the corner

no more sons

and daughters

dying in vain while

each momma

screams and wails

screams and wails

screams and wails

screams and wails

as one bloody day

bleeds into

the very next


Friday, April 23, 2021





…It’s been a good week, visiting with friends again after such long absences. It makes everything more bearable and noteworthy. I think it would be impossible to live alone. I don’t know how some people do it.


…Here comes the weekend, and here are some things I like to ponder.


--“Friendship is an involuntary reflex, you can’t help it.” HIMYM


--“There are very few people you meet in life who change you.” Connor Oberst, about Phoebe Bridgers


--"The main thing is this—when you get up in the morning you must take your heart in your two hands. You must do this every morning.... Say anything, but be respectful. Say—maybe say, Heart, little heart, beat softly but never forget your job, the blood. You can whisper also, Remember, remember." Grace Paley


--“I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.” Jack Kerouac


--"I call them diamonds: the good that comes out of every pressure situation. It we don't look for the diamonds, it's just a waste." Fawn Weaver


--“I know how hard it is to even write a good sentence.” Erin O’Brien


--“There are only two ways to live: as if nothing is a miracle, and is everything is.” Einstein


--“What can’t be said will be wept.” —Sappho


--“If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll be seasick every time.” Leonard Cohen


--“Stay close to anything that makes you glad you’re alive.” Hafiz


--“If you believe you're a poet, then you're saved.” Gregory Nunzio Corso


--“I would like a simple life / yet all night I am laying / poems away in a long box.” Anne Sexton


--“I have been in Sorrow’s kitchen and licked out all the pots. Then I have stood on the peaky mountain wrapped in rainbows with a harp and sword in my hands.” Zora Neale Hurston


--“I have woven a parachute out of everything broken.” William Stafford


--"Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight: always try to be a little kinder than is necessary?" James Matthew Barrie

Wednesday, April 21, 2021





…So, it’s Wednesday and the sun is still shining on my little plot of land.


…So, it’s Wednesday, which means yesterday is over, yesterday being an obviously historic day, and a massive relief.


…So, it’s Wednesday, and I found these bits of wisdom from Anthony Hopkins, all of which seem like perfect nourishment midway through the week…


"Let go of people who aren't ready to love you yet.

This is the hardest thing you'll have to do in your life and it will also be the most important thing.

Stop giving your love to those who aren't ready to love or appreciate you yet.

Stop conversations with people who don't want to change.

Stop showing up for and showing care for people who are indifferent to your presence, who display temperamental emotions, who show disrespect or block you out and keep you at bay, despite your best efforts.

I know your instincts attempt everything to win the good mercy of those around you, but it's also this impulse that will steal your time, energy and mental, physical and spiritual health.

When you start being yourself in your life—completely, with joy, interest and commitment—not everyone will be ready to find you in this place of pure sincerity.

That doesn't mean that you have to change who you are; or play yourself down to suit the judgements projected onto you by those who do not care. It just means you have to stop bothering with people who don't want to love you yet.

The truth is that you're not for everyone.

And that not everyone is for you.

The most valuable and most important thing you have in your life is your energy.

When you realize this, you start to understand why you become impatient with people who don't suit you, and in activities, places, situations which don't suit you.

You're starting to realize that the most important thing you can do for your life, for yourself and for everyone you know, is to protect your energy stronger than anything.

Turn your life into a safe sanctuary where only people who are truly compatible with you are allowed.

It's not your job to exist for people and give them your life, little by little, moment after moment.

Decide you deserve only true and equitable friendship.

Then take a moment to notice how things are beginning to change."

Monday, April 19, 2021





Ashes and Dust



Today the clouds

are like ash

filling every nook

in the sky

our history buried there

the pet names and promises

we never should have made

the stories we might have

rendered better if we’d

used a different vocabulary

and so the days

are a slow fade

like our faces in a photo

left too long in the sun

losing their clarity bit by bit

a piece of bleached paper

collecting nothing but dust

Friday, April 16, 2021





In the Womb


I’d met the

dead girl once

in the womb

the two us absorbed

and mirrored

with fluid

assuming we would both

float out safely

but assumptions are

their own kind of weather

turning on you

like a sudden storm


scouring the sky

with dreadful colors

until it’s you

who strangles each cloud

desperate for a sip

with no leftover air

Wednesday, April 14, 2021






The crows inside

these walls are

needy bastards

pecking sonnets

on the frail beams

dictating their own

Dead Sea Scrolls.

When I pound,

they peck back,

and then we’re like

the Middle East

tossing our bombs

in each other’s yards on repeat.

It’s enough to make

me stop drinking,

drive my car off some cliff,

confess to a murder

I didn’t commit,

but should have.

Monday, April 12, 2021



Number 17A


This morning the cat

is speaking in tongues

and the stereo’s playing

with matches

while I keep trying

to juggle each empty carcass.

It’s a visceral occasion,

a Jackson Pollock contusion,

though the days fold themselves

into the panty drawer

neat as crimson blintzes.

If you left a note,

it must have got

snatched by crypt-keeper.

He’s been known to filch

whatever he finds

most authentic and offensive.


Friday, April 9, 2021





…Happy Friday. I hope your weekend is half as fun as mine’s going to be. In an hour I’m heading south to see my best friend. Fun times are looming.


I had this (The Weight of the Wind) published a few days back.


It’s probably one of my better pieces and (braggart alert) it received some wonderful feedback….


--just wow


--Your writing has always amazed me, made me feel and touch and taste each word. And the story, the story...


--Whoa. This is deep. Your writing is magic. The way you put words together creates incredible imagery.


--Phenomenal writing. Love the part that starts with, "I want to die a slow death..." And all of it, really


--"light as enemy wind" this piece is great, len


--Your words as powerful and potent as ever, Len.


--Glorious writing, but so sad and heart-breaking kind of like what I write in terms of heartbreak. I felt so much for the boy and his guilt.


--Your writing has always amazed me, made me feel and touch and taste each word. And the story, the story...


--I love this so much.


--This is KILLER!!!


--You had me at, “Ouija Board in my mother’s throat.”



--Gut punch. Fantastic.


--So thought provoking and tender!


--And I’m giving you a holy hell on this! Amazing!


--Powerful & compelling. You are so incredibly talented!



Wednesday, April 7, 2021





Like an Owl


This morning

I find you

on the sofa

flush and wearing

only skin

But Honey, I say

where’s your robe?

Your owl-eyes stay

pin-stuck on the carpet

lips tremulous and a

dull shade of periwinkle

making me shiver

and ashamed of myself

The kids’ll be here soon.

Your head cocks

Our kids, you say

and I don’t know if

that’s a question

or confirmation

Randy and Ava, yeah.

You blink again owl-like

I don’t trust them.

I find a blanket and swaddle you

thinking about trust

love’s lank leash

the luggage at the door

the knock that’s

soon to come

the shifting limbs of conversion

memory and loss