Wednesday, August 1, 2018


…How you get down from a place usually reveals a lot about the kind of person you are, or want to be.

…Trash is a pretty sad word any way you look at it.

…I know it’s stupid, yet I still feel hopeful when I find loose change on the asphalt or at a 7/11 parking lot.  Makes me feel like things are looking up somehow.

…Is it a problem if I cry too easily?  Is it a problem if I value crying over eating?

…My stomach is currently making noises that sound like a herd of whales being tortured underwater.

…It’s good to realize that good advice is only good if you make it so.

…It’s good to be really committed and serious about an endeavor, but if you hunker down too far, it might be difficult to get back up, especially if you have a bad back.

…Sometimes leading the witness is the smart play, though someone’s always going to object, and then what good is it?

…My friends tell me I can be a little sensitive.  I wonder if that’s a defective gene I have, or if it’s just something I do wrong.

…“Do what you love.”  Sage advice, but easier said than done for most people.  

…Alcohol really likes me, but we’re in a trial separation right now.  That’s another true story.

…It’s a little tricky when all you have are consonants left.  Hard to make a complete sentence with that.

…When people say you’d even be late to your own funeral, they make themselves out to be an unreliable narrator.

…Deaf or blind—that’s one hell of a choice. 

…Some people name their cars.  Some men name their penises.  I guess that means names are important, though I’ve never liked any of the ones I’ve been called.

…There’s no greater way of showing you genuinely care for someone than caring about what’s most important to them.

…Don’t we all want to fall asleep on that part of the chest that rises and falls?

…I don’t mean to overstate the obvious, but time is moving much faster than we are.

…Yeah, the question is: Who am I writing this to?  Hmmm.

…I guess what I really want is to be dog-eared.