Wednesday, August 22, 2018


…It feels good to spread it out like this, this wasting.

…Yesterday I did something I haven’t done in a very long time.  It involved suds, a book and wine, but it wasn’t quite like what I remembered.

…I’ve been busy holding the rain hostage, and it looks like the smoke is jealous.

…Every typo tells a story, and my life is littered with typose.

…Where do we go from here?  Damaged, is what I say.

…Lately I’ve been suffering from a little bit of basophobia.

…It’s always a little unnerving to hear ppl ask, “Are you okay?” especially when it’s asked several times and the answer you give back is less than satisfying.

…The catch is I don’t like to let stuff go.

…Feels like I’ve been holding onto these packages for so long.

…I don’t have room for all of these things, but they are still stuffed there inside of me.

…Let me take your Selfie.  I’m really good at it, and I’ll make you look special.

…Full disclosure: I have a broken trachea and my toes are often disobedient.

…I saw you, sat next to you, then across from you thinking about posting this, trying to tell you without speaking.

 …You could cut me in half, but I’d still be flagged and removed.

…It really is true:  Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

…I’m here because I’m not sure what to do.

…I took a bath and the ash washed right off of, but I still didn’t feel all that clean.

…Everything always takes longer that you think it should, or will.  And I do mean everything.

…The smoke, shrouded in the trees, makes everything around the lake look like one of those sepia-colored photographs from ancient times.  Can’t be very healthy running ten miles in that, but then, when have I ever been concerned with my health?

…We share this wall like some people share their love.

…I keep hearing the same song over and over.  How about you?

…Stop, collaborate and listen.

…Openmindedness is mandatory.

…Hey, you’re a punch in the head.  Nobody else will tell you so but me.

…At night, I try to count the hushed electrons in my head.

…I sit up many nights like that, not knowing what I want or don’t, and that’s my big offense.

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