Monday, October 23, 2017


…It’s funny the memories that come out of nowhere, for no reason at all.

…My mom was a stunner when she was young.  She won beauty contests.  There used to be this black and white photo of her on the mantle, the one that got her first place.  We never really talked about it.  I realized later that I should have asked her questions.  What was it like being in a pageant?  What even made you consider doing something like that?  How did you feel when you won?  Did you plan on going forward with it, like entering the Miss America pageant?  What did your folks think about it?

…Questions are important.  It’s important to ask them while you can.  And most everyone wants to be asked a question about themselves.  People should ask more questions.  Just think of all the learning, the stories that would get uncovered.

…Sadly, Thomas Edison was disliked by his teachers because he asked too many questions.

…I’m trying to discover if I still work best under pressure.

…Even the clouds are undecided tonight.

…It’s a big thing to miss someone every day, to think about them every day, and wish they were in your life.  It’s a big thing to be that person who’s missed, to have had such a huge impact.

…“I’ll sleep when I die.”—I’ve said that and sort of meant it.  I’ve said it and felt foolish.  Sleep is a little bewildering to me.  Always has been.

…I’m not hungry very often.  I can’t eat when I’m not hungry.  I don’t know how other people do.  Sometimes it feels like a mundane chore, like getting gas, getting a haircut, doing the laundry.  Still I understand, for some people it’s about the food, the flavor.

…To be woke is a good thing.

…If there’s no point to something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not worth doing.

…I can’t count the times I never said what’s on my mine.

…Just the other day, I wrote down all the words I’d say, and still I couldn’t.

…That second glass of wine, it did it.

…Sometimes you run it up the flagpole, sometimes you put a note in a bottle, send it out to sea and hope someone somewhere finds it.

…I run it up the flagpole to see who salutes, but no one ever does.

…Fingertips have memories, too.

…I’m running underground with the moles.

…The thing is if you’re bored, you get boring.

…It’s just something for the legal boys, but not that much for us.

…“I’m going to do the things I most need to do.”—that’s a refrain I should turn into a song.

…“It’s now or never.”  That’s a big statement.  Better be sure you mean it.

…Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?  I’m getting old and I need something to rely on.  I’m getting tired and I need something to begin.

…I’ve got to stop chasing those cars.

…If you have a minute, why don’t we talk about it?

…In the light of the sun, is there anyone?

…I met a man who said, “You don’t know me.  You don’t wear my chains.”

…I keep chasing pavements.

…Luck is underrated, as so many things are.

…I’ve been in a few fights in my day, mostly when I was younger.  I never fared very well.  I’m not very good at ducking.

…Whispers = chills.

…If there’s no race you’re committed to, your mind, usually in the morning, tells you, “Hey, Schecky, sleep.  No need to run.  There’s nothing you gotta do.”

…I’ve always tried to tell my kids that nothing’s impossible.  Sure, some things are, but most things aren’t if you can just shake that rattle out of your head, if you can find some gumption.

…Everybody has someone to thank.

…I can handle every single curve you throw.

…The sky’s a little bit weepy, but I’m doing all right.

…We’re winning, we’re losing.

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