Monday, April 23, 2018


Avenue Q

I am second-guessing
my life right now
tetherball head in hand
standing upside down
on the pinnacle of
a different kind of puberty
on the corner of 1st and Avenue Q
on someone’s soggy cardboard floor
on a tarmac of nails.
Isn’t it always the sunny days
that turn traitorous
wring you inside out
make a person paranoid?
Like why is that pregnant bride
shoplifting cigarettes?
Why does every pigeon look like
Mom only satisfied for once?
And are those actually
skeletons doing the
backstroke across the lake?
Every day is a fake chaperone
each hour a hollow sound
pinging in purple silence while
delicious ripples of gloom
frost the moss-green air.
When the bus driver asks
where I’m going
I come up short again.
The only thing that
comes to mind is--
Sorry, but I have to move on--
the last thing you ever wrote to me.

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