Wednesday, November 29, 2017


…We tend to fight the next war the same way we fought the last one which makes us prisoners of our own existence.

…It’s very difficult to dispel ignorance if you retain arrogance.

…Fun is a big word, if you think about it.

…Most times life is an unguided missile dressed up like a bulbous cloud that looks like a husky elephant doing a jig.  It’s pretty difficult not to get sidetracked by a cute sight like that.

…I’m not a big fan of instructions.  Words rarely look like the things they designate.

…Clearly I am a private person and, quite possibly, I am a fool.

…What’s past is past.  One could leave it as it is.  And still, on the other hand, there are all sorts of after effects.

…From gavel to gavel, the answers land with impunity.

…Often I feel myself rocking between the sky and the land, somewhat akimbo, and twitching.

…I’ve heard it said that “You can’t step into the river twice” but then I think: don’t believe everything you hear.

…But wouldn’t it be nice to believe everything you hear and not have to question the validity of it?

…Quite often I wonder how I get by.  Like, how did I even make it to the airport on time?  Find my key?  Find my gate?  Get to the hotel?  There have to be merciful angels out there.

…I have left so many things on airplanes—a brand new Discman, laptop, phone, car keys, books, books, books.  I’m sort of like a skinny Santa when I leave a plane.

…I’ll be honest and admit that my major writing goal is to create something that outlives me.  Weeks and months go by and that still hasn’t happened.  I know I shouldn’t think that way.  I know it shouldn’t matter at all, yet it does to me. 

…Often times having an outlandish and egotistical goal will only create prolonged constipation.

…Almost no one knows it, but I had a third book published.  There’s only one copy, though, and I have it.  It’s called MY UNCERTAIN SEARCH FOR MYSELF.  I didn’t title it that, someone else did.  It’s a pretty slim volume, like me.  The cover is a winding highway with cloudy-but-blue skies.  I wonder how they know me so well.

…Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing.  I’m not colorblind.

…Sometimes I am Silly Putty and other times I’m just putty.

…Sometimes I have to remind myself:  That’s my depression talking, not me.

…They say whiskey’ll kill you, but I don’t think it will.  I’m riding with you to the top of the hill.


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