Wednesday, June 6, 2018


…Someone recently told me, “When everything feels like it’s falling apart, it might actually be coming together.”  I’m not so sure.

…Somebody else told me to stand on my toes because they didn’t have any.

…I still look every day.  True story.  Most times, more than once. 

…Everyone gets scared, but the question is: Do you see what I see?

…These things are a two-way street.

…More and more I find myself talking to the dog, saying, “Hey, what’s up?” or, “Hey, are you happy down there?”

…So the elephant said, “Never mind, he’s with me.”

…I’m trying to believe that there are things that you can enjoy, but being the kind of person I am, having the type of brain I have, you don’t really think about happiness as much as you think about relief.  Still, I guess we’d all like to be a little better off.  Happiness, though, that’s a whole other ball of wax.

…People tend to prepare an awful lot, and they’ve got an idea of how things are going to go based on their over-preparation.

…Are you kidding?  I don’t have anxiety dreams: I’m living my anxiety dream.

…I think the idea that you should take whatever comes your way is bad advice, but I tend to do it a lot.

…Sometimes you have to follow your gut about not doing something.  But then there’s that voice that urges you to play it safe, and sometimes you have to ignore it.

…There’s always a struggle to live up to expectations—and a reality.

…Where are all of the angels when you need one?

…That accident on the side of the road was me.  No, really, it was.

…Poor choices.  Man, they can really do you in.

…I take the softest rain with me when I leave.  It rests now as a mist in my hair, my ears, every available socket.  It smells like you, like fresh air, like nothing at all.

…I keep crawling under my shadow, but it keeps shimmying away.

…I don’t know if it’s true or not, but someone once said: The rainbow is more beautiful than the pot at the end of it, because the rainbow is now.  And the pot never turns out to be quite what I expected.

…Sometimes these allergies really knock me around.  All up in my nose, my head, my psyche.

…An editor read some things I sent him and said, “I really like these pieces, but the blog isn’t for fiction.”  That was funny. 

…All I want to do is just keep pace with myself.

…I’ll be what I’ll be.  Where is the anxiety in that?

…As I look back on my life, one of the most constant and powerful things I have experienced is the desire to be more than I am at the moment—a desire to do more, learn more, express more—a desire to grow, improve, accomplish, expand.  I haven’t always hit the mark, but I’ve mostly tried. 

….A sure way for me to have a disastrous experience is to do something because “it will be good for me.”

…Because I assume there is something unnatural about my having a problem, I attempt to present a problem-free appearance, which, as we all know, is a joke.

 …Sometimes I read things I wrote a while back and go, “Who wrote those?  No really, who?  It couldn’t have been me.  If it was, what was I thinking?”

…”Next time I will…”  “From now on I will…” --What makes me think I am wiser today than I will be tomorrow?

…I’ll admit, I’m a little suspicious of people who have no bad habits.

…I live from one tentative conclusions to the next, thinking each one is final.  The only thing I know for sure is that I am confused.

…You never know, do you?  You just never do.

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