Monday, October 29, 2018


In the Scheme of Things

-Do you mind if I take notes?
-Great, shall we start then?
-Let’s see, oh yes, uh, is there a history of depression in your family?
-Any mental illness at all?
-Do you struggle with broken sleep?
-How often do you feel joyful?
-How many times a day does the world look lopsided to you?
-What about trust issues?
-Who were you most afraid of growing up?  Are you still afraid of them?
-Would you say you have more regrets than the average person?
-Do people ever claim you’re good at engaging them, but not forthcoming when it comes to yourself?
-How does that make you feel?
-Let’s say you could have anything in the world, anything at all, what would it be?
-What about world events, do they ever leave you unsettled or agitated?  How about politics?
-When it comes to self-reflection, what images come to mind?
-When it comes to diet, what do you think is a reasonable amount of time to go between eating meals?
-If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be? 
-When is the last time you received a compliment and actually believed what you were told?
-Do you believe in God? 
-How about ghosts?
-What kind of monsters are you referring to?
-When did that happen exactly?
-How did that make you feel?
-Well, let’s say someone close to you came down with a terminal disease, how would you react?
-Have you lost people you loved before?
-What’s the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
-Did to you?
-And how did you feel about that?
-In the scheme of things, how important is laughter to you?
-In a crowded room of strangers, would you most likely gravitate to the men or women?  I don’t think I said there were children in the room, did I?
-Do you find it easier to forgive others than yourself?
-What is your biggest fear?
-Have you ever sabotaged your own success for no apparent reason?
-Are these questions making you uncomfortable?
-Are you telling me the truth?
-Why does it seem like you haven’t heard a word I’ve said?

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