Monday, August 12, 2024




…Hey, Monday. Chin up.


…Better me than you, I guess.


…“And I am lost and I can’t even say why.”


,,,I’ve got so much to tell you, when can I?


…I’ve got friends in New York City because everyone else has left town.


…How do you debate the world’s biggest liar? That’s the question.


…How much is too much and how much is not enough?


…I hope you find what you’re after.


…Poor Stevie Nicks must have something wrong with her ears because she’s been wearing this innertube thing around her neck all week.


…The birds are going to be really sad that the Olympics are over. They really loved watching and cheering teams on. Seriously.


…“Will you bring me happiness? Will you bring me sorrow?” 


...I said last time’s the last time, but what do I know?


…“Don’t be so quick to believe everything you here, because lies travel faster than truth.” Keanu Reeves 


…I need to get my ducks in a row.


…I wonder why I’m hungry all of the time now. Oh, yeah, that’s right.


…“When those chips are stacked against you, just remember I’m right there with you.”


…People can change. I believe that with my soul.


--“Where’d you get that pitch?”

--“Well, my wife told me to throw it harder.”


…This is a good example of how the same thing can seem perfect, and then more perfect, even though it’s the same thing:


…Rabbit holes, I’ve been through a few.


…“Sit down, shut up, everything is going to be okay.”


…It’s easy to get caught up in all the horror going on in the world, which I often do, but it doesn’t change anything.


…Sometimes I can sound like a snob, even to myself. 


…If it’s not my socks, it’s the chains telling me I need help.


…“And who am I to judge you, on what you say or do?” 


…If you’re going to go down in flames, isn’t it best to do it with your chest punched out?


…I wonder if there’s such a thing as being too honest.


Hey, remember that time when we decided to kiss anywhere but on the mouth?


Hey, remember that time when we O.D.’ed a second time?


…This time of year, when you're picking blueberries for an average of five hours a day, you have a lot of time to ruminate on your life and the people in it, memories, decisions made, wise or not.


…“Clutch.” well that’s a gear I’ve never found.


…Day after day, I keep watching Stevie Nicks bark or mope around on the deck next door. It seems like she should be mine. I know for sure she’d be a lot happier.


…It’s probably just me, but I never understood the allure of The Grateful Dead. Same with Eric Clapton.


…“If I say I’m ‘On my way,’ call me and make sure I’m in the car, because I’m lying.” Amy Wood


…Someone posted this, and I think they were kidding, but it still made me smile: “America is the best country in the United States!”


…If you need a masterpiece to watch/listen to, here’s one:


…“I was trying to find me something

But I wasn’t sure just what

Man, I ended up with pockets full of dust.”


…What was the best part of your day?


…I got lost again and wound up here.

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