Friday, August 9, 2024




…How are you doing?


…Recently, I came upon that photo (above) somehow. For Halloween, we could never afford costumes, obviously, so we’d have to be inventive. That year I dressed as a woman, wearing one of my mom’s many wigs. I remember it seemed impossible to walk in heels. Even to this day when I see someone dancing in stilettos, I can’t figure out how they do it.

I remember my outfit being scandalous, though for me, I wasn’t trying to make a statement—it was just something to wear.  


…I don’t think you can help what it is you miss.


…If I think about it too much, it gets pretty depressing.


…My four-and-a-half-year-old niece is a piece of work, and I mean that in a good way. The other day she came in from the deck and said to her dad, “It’s pretty misty out there, dude.”

...It takes a lot of discipline to stay disciplined.


…Who knew August would be the busiest of my (new) life?


…Running away is easy. It’s the leaving that’s hard.


…The problem with books is there are too many of them to read.


…What does it say about me that I have six different bottles of sleep aids in my bathroom cabinet?


…I was having a happy dream about Lucy the other night/morning. When I woke up I realized how much I still miss her, so I went back to sleep and right back into the dream where she was smearing my face with dog kisses.


…It’s hard to know what’s going on when you don’t know what’s going on.


…The first rule and best rule is don’t break your own rules.


…I had no idea my ears were this big.


…I don’t get people who don’t reply to your texts. Doesn’t thinking about someone count for anything?


…“To write a diary is to make a series of choices about what to admit, what to forget.” Sarah Manguso


…Most times it’s best to just be grateful and not over think it.


…This sweet tooth is going to be the death of me.


…I sure hope you’re wearing sunscreen.

...I woke up to find the neighbor's tree had fallen across the driveway. I'll be getting after that in a bit. 


…The other day I picked berries for several hours while a deer munched on the grass and dropped apples a mere four feet away. We had some good conversations, though they were all one-sided.


…“Well, you get a pass for that.”


…“Odd” has a negative connotation, but who says it’s bad being different?


…I used to believe everything happens for a reason, but not anymore.


…If I knew how to say it better, don’t you think I would?


…The other day, out of the blue, I remembered my mom used to make desserts—chocolate pudding, cream puffs, glazed doughnuts. So there’s that.


…When I was a boy, we had two milk cows—Cathy and Irene. Irene was meaner than piss and used to escape quite often. Then we got two baby calves—Go Go and Thunder (I got to name them). They were gangly, adorable things. I’d feed them candied oats out of my palm and milk from a nippled bottle that would make their mouths drip with foam. 


Why don’t you see the show again?


…Two whole days with Joker and LB, God help us.


…Why can’t someone figure out how to put out forest fires faster?


…“I wanted to remember what I could bear to remember and convince myself it was all there.” Sarah Manguso


…Forever is an awfully long time.


…Wishing you joy and safe travels this weekend.

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