Monday, February 24, 2020



Another crow crashes into my dizzy window. There must be hundreds. Of reasons. So many pillows to fluff. Rip to pieces. Someone downstairs is making a case. Someone outside is casting in an alley. It could be the neighbor mispronouncing detritus. Fondling a niece or nephew. Another man down the street has his eye on unprotected sex. Transferring secrets between his pants pockets. I don’t trust the sidewalk to tell me where I am. If it’s a fever I’m wearing, I’ll send out for another rolodex. I’ll love whatever is unrecognizable or ashen. Faded newsprint. The scorched earth. But never you.

1 comment:

  1. Listen...

    What I'm going to tell you may sound kind of weird, maybe even kind of "supernatural"

    WHAT if you could just hit "PLAY" and listen to a short, "musical tone"...

    And magically bring MORE MONEY to your life??

    What I'm talking about is BIG MONEY, even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!!

    Sound too EASY?? Think it couldn't possibly be REAL?!?

    Well, I'll be the one to tell you the news.

    Sometimes the most magical blessings in life are the easiest to RECEIVE!!

    In fact, I'm going to PROVE it to you by allowing you to PLAY a REAL "magical wealth building tone" I've synthesized...

    You just hit "PLAY" and watch money coming right into your life... starting pretty much right away...

    GO here now to play the wonderful "Miracle Money-Magnet Sound Frequency" - it's my gift to you!!
