Friday, July 26, 2019


“I have to write things down to make sure I fully comprehend them.” Haruki Murakami

…No one will make us any promises, so we have to settle for hope.

…Everyone needs to learn how to kill their own spiders.

…Don’t go exchanging one kind of blindness for another.  That’s just stupid.  That’s just asking for more trouble.

…Sometimes I do really well with silence, and other times it sort of eats me alive.

…But sometimes there doesn’t have to be any words to know what’s really going on.

…I sure hope 13 is a lucky number.  I’m sort of counting on it.

…Books, they’re like old friends.  Sometimes they’re really hard to let go.

…I wonder if the moon realizes how much attention she gets, and if she likes it.

“All I can ever be to you is a darkness that we knew, and this regret I got accustomed to.” Amy Winehouse

…This morning the lake looked like it had faint, pink skin, like the color of a new sunburn just getting started.  I waited for the beaver to swim by, but he must have slept in, or maybe he found a better lake.  There are quite a few of those around here.

…I know this lake pretty well.  Others have lived here longer, but I’m willing to bet I know it better than most. 

…The thing about batteries is, they burn out eventually.  That’s why you should never rely on them.

…Sometimes freedom is just another word for chaos.  But I’d sure like to find out if that’s true.

…This isn’t just a circus, missing a couple of monkeys.  But I did run into a few professional plate-spinners who looked kind of lost.

…If you want to go fast, go it alone.  If you want to go far, make sure someone’s with you.

…I don’t need a livestream, I need a live friend.

…Sadly, there’s not much to go on.

…You can fake a lot of things, but love isn’t one of them.

…Everyone seems to have an opinion about love, even experts, but you need to remember that even the experts are only giving their opinion.  They’re as human as you or me.

…Can’t remember the last time I screamed that wasn’t in my head.

…Interesting choice of words.

…Whatever you do, don’t read “Bunny.”  I did and most of the time I wished I had one of their axes so I could chop the book into pieces.

…I am familiar with spillage and pain.

…Excuse me, is there a trapdoor?  I could have sworn there was a trapdoor.

…--“Words are all I have sometimes.  Most times.”
…--“But you’re pretty quiet.”
…--“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

…Fate is such a sneaky little bastard.

…Go ahead and look.  I think it’s both our prints on the ammunition.

…--“You’re probably paying for this, you know?”
…--“Yeah, I’m paying for it.”
…--“What does that mean?”

…Okay, Snowflake, show me where to land because it looks like it’s boiling down below.

…The ice man always has his pick.

…Nothing to lose, or everything to lose?

…Oh boy, this sounds a little familiar:

15 Habits Of People With Concealed Depression
1.  They are often quite talented and expressive
2.  They tend to search for purpose
3.  Sometimes they make muted cries for help
4.  They interpret substances differently
5.  They often have a very involved perception of life and death
6.  They have strange eating habits
7.  They have abnormal sleeping habits
8.  They usually have abandonment issues
9.  They are professionals at coming up with “cover up” stories
10.               They might have habitual remedies
11.               They are always making efforts to seem happy
12.               They seek love and acceptance
13.               They have trouble shutting off their brains
14.               They hurt when other people hurt
15.               They always think of the worst-case scenarios

…It’s a long follow after.

…Even if I could make it go away, what about the ghosts?  How do you get rid of them?

…I’m not much for war stories, but I’ll take that beer.

…I don’t know what happens now.

…Your turn.

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