…I have a new story, "Written In Fire" up at 52/250 A Year of Flash and also here under "Words In Print."
…Happy New Year everyone. On the news they reported that "a new study shows the proper way to produce the best possible glass of champagne is to tilt your glass to the side while pouring." Really. It took a study for us to know that? We could have just asked any college students, since it's the same with beer, lest you get too much foam. I remember coming home from college that first, wet year and my mom asking why I was tilting my glass while pouring milk in it. (Habits get established easily.)
…Speaking of habits, I am having a hard time coming up with resolutions for 2011. Essentially I could repeat the ones from 2010 because they were challenging and lofty--write a novel, get an agent, publish 100 stories, run a marathon, etc., but it seems they should be different, although I don't know why. What do you think?
…At year end, every magazine and newspaper does a "Best of" list, so I will try to do mine.
--Best Film: "The Fighter"
--Best Comedic Film: "Due Date"
--Best Actor: Christian Bale, "The Fighter"
--Best Actress: Natalie Portman, "Black Swan"
--Best TV Drama: "Parenthood"
--Best TV Comedy: "Raising Hope"
--Best Album: "Recovery," by Eminem
--Best Single: "Runaway," by Kanye West
--Best Book: "No Country For Old Men," Cormac McCarthy
--Best Chapbook: "He Is Talking To The Fat Lady," by xTx
--Best New Writer I Discovered: tie--Stuart Dybek and Jayne Anne Phillips (Where the hell have I been?)
--Best New Web Writer I Discovered: Parker Tettleton
--Top Ten Online Literary Magazines, not in any order:
Necessary Fiction
Prick of the Spindle
Camroc Press Review
Cricket Online Review
The Smoking Poet
--Best Burger Joint: Five Guys
…Be safe, and watch out for those champagne corks. I once got one in my eye.
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