Friday, August 19, 2022



…Turns out that I’m really good at being sad, plus drinking, but the two of those together is not an ideal combination.


…“What’s a trigger for you?”

…“How about everything.” 


…If I can’t write it out, it just sits there, like a bone caught in the throat.


…If you’re going to go there, you might as well go all the way.


“I don't tell the murky world

to turn pure.

I purify myself

and check my reflection

in the water of the valley brook.” - Ryōkan


…Some days I got nothin.’


…My best friend is coming to visit for a few days and I’m hoping he can save me.


…I talked to another best friend yesterday, who is on the edge. If you’re the praying type, please say a prayer and we’ll both be eternally grateful to you.


Friday night, I’m going nowhere, all the lights are changing green to red.


...Lately I don’t feel much like talking.




…This isn’t going to be easy. Nope. Not by a long shot. Even the geese no longer come by.


…My next book comes out in a couple of months. Number six (I actually had to count them out on my fingers.) Who knew? I sure didn’t.

...Hate to admit it, but lately I feel like a broke-down car.


I’m over my head.


…Anymore, I don’t even know where to look.


…I think that old saying, “Misery loves company,” is way, way off-base. Authentic misery, really, is only looking to drown in its own juices.


…What’s so hard about just listening? Asking questions? Staying silent, instead of giving advice? Most times, in those moments of strife and struggle, people don’t want to be fixed, they want to be heard, to be allowed to vent.

...When you really need a friend, that's when you find out if you have one, or not.


…I'm nervous. Tomorrow I see the surgeon again. I’m hoping she has some good news, but I’m not placing any bets. Plus, she’s as intimidating as a prison warden carrying a really big stick, with a bottle of lube in her back pocket. 

...I may never go to bed again.


…“If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.” Eckhart Tolle


…Don’t let anyone tell you how to feel, even if they mean well.


The Streisand effect, or psychological reactance, is when people are told they cannot have something, they often want that thing even more as a result of being forbidden from having it.


…“A negative person sees the glass of water half empty. A positive person sees it half full. A realistic person adds two shots of whiskey, two cubes of ice, and says, ‘Cheers.’” Dan Cafaro


…I thought I’d be done by now, but it doesn’t even feel close.


…Here Comes the Sun

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