Monday, June 10, 2024




…I can’t tell you what to expect, only what is possible.


...When it comes to ghosts, you can either pretend they don’t exist, or you can listen.


…Don’t ask me to, because I won’t.


Don’t peg me, Bro!


…It’s only pain if it hurts.


…I think everybody’s doing the best they can.


…Even my good news is bad news these days.


…“Every day with an opioid drip is a gift.” The Librarianist


…Who knows what I did wrong now?


…There’s something both serene and majestic about being up early, before anyone else, when the sun’s coming up and the lake is as shiny and flat as a piece of cobalt china.


…People can surprise and disappoint you, but what’re you going to do?


 “I have lots of things to teach you now, in case we ever meet, concerning the message that was transmitted to me under a pine tree in North Carolina on a cold winter moonlit night. It said that Nothing Ever Happened, so don't worry. It’s all like a dream.” Jack Kerouac


…Sometimes I read a text and think, What a psycho.

Then I press Send.


…If you can walk away that easily, good for you.


To the bone.



 “You are left with the only things that any of us have in the end. The things we keep inside ourselves, that grow out of us, that tell us who we are.” 


“It made me smile to finally understand this, that we have only the things we are given, and we must be thankful for them, the tiny, almost imperceptible feeling on our fingertips.”


“Something will happen sometime. You just have to wait for it.”


—Kevin Wilson, “Tunneling to the Center of the Earth.”



“It was the kind of climax that needed another one right after to scoop up the leftovers and then another lick to clean the plate.”


“That was always my underlying fear: that someone I love would look at me like I was a stranger.”


“You should always be emerging from a shell, if possible.”


“You can’t have everything you want but you can want everything you want.”


“One should always be asking themselves, What if I lost this? How much would it matter? And then secure it, at least screenshot it.”  


—Miranda July, “All Fours”

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