Wednesday, May 10, 2023




…Tomorrow, very early, I’m flying to see my best friend on the planet. Am I excited? Hell yeah. 

I feel so grateful to have a friend like that, and I hope you have one, too.


…“What can you do today to take exquisite care of yourself?” Nikki Lundberg


…“Worry, and the accompanying anxiety, will not add anything to your life.” That’s from Bible Study and it’s very true, but the question is: How to make it stop?


…“I drink, therefore I am. I think, therefore I drink.” Lori Gomez


“I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them. After my father died, the book that sort of saved my life was Gabriel García Márquez’s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. Because of that experience, I firmly believe there are books whose greatness actually enables you to live, to do something. And sometimes, human beings need story and narrative more than they need nourishment and food.”—Emma Thompson 


…“When you're feeling blue, sometimes the best thing you can do is try to make it beautiful.” Diana Olney


“At night I think of my piano in its ocean grave, and sometimes of myself floating above it.” Jane Campion, “The Piano”


…“I’ve been so good this week about ironing my silk pajamas every night before bed.” Steven Dunn


“I am writing because they told me to never start a sentence with because. But I wasn't trying to make a sentence—I was trying to break free. Because freedom, I am told, is nothing but the distance between the hunter and its prey.”  Ocean Vuong


…“You will experience sitting in a theatre or a cinema or in your library reading and you'll wonder what on earth has happened to your idol, your mentor, your inspiration. Be kind. We are all dissipating together, and we will all, with God's grace, get better together." John Gielgud


…“At some point you must know that you are the shit. You must believe this, even if you forget it. There is no one who can do what you do, how you do it, on the face of this earth. You are a singularly unique creation in the history of humanity.

I don’t always remember this about myself, but I know it to be true. I know my worth even when I struggle with self-worth. Deep down, I know exactly who I am. I hope you do, too.” Said Shayie

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