Friday, January 31, 2025





…Monday’s post was the piece no one in the workshop understood. How about you? 

I think I need a new title.


…Wednesday’s post was the first real story I’ve written in some time. It’s a similar setting as some from the past, because I spent a lot of time in that tree fort, plus Gordy shows up in a lot pieces. He’s based on the only real friend I had when I was younger. And then he moved away.


…I guess I really am a creature of habit. That’s something I’m working on.


…That’s what new friends and booze will do to you.


…No matter how openminded you are, it’s hard not to let AI scare you a bit.


…Who knew willpower would be so important? 


…I read a bit about Pandora’s Box and how when she couldn’t resist herself and opened it, all kinds of evil fly out and just before closing it, hope stayed put.


…Even the little things can feel really good if you haven’t had a win for a while. 


…Do you believe in the power of self-talk? I’ve been asking myself that question.


…“At least my house didn’t burn down,” can sound kind of glib, but it can also be genuine.


…I genuinely wonder if people who voted for the current administration feel about me similar to how I think of them. 


…Random fact: Owning a car is considered a luxury by the majority of the world. 86 percent of Americans own a car. In China, car ownership is 22 percent, and it’s just 3 percent in India.


…You know it’s really bad when you won’t even let yourself look.


…“Why not?” is something I need to say a lot more.


…I’ve used this quote before, but it helps explain myself: 

"Possibly, then, writing has to do with darkness, and a desire or perhaps a compulsion to enter it, and, with luck, to illuminate it, and to bring something back out to the light.“  Margaret Atwood


…More and more I realize that what matters most is just showing up.


…If you think about it, it’s pretty hard to trust someone completely.


…How are you really doing?


…I’m trying to spend less time trying to figure out other’s actions and just accept them. Not necessarily agree with them, but say to myself—We all have a choice, and that’s theirs.


…I’m not sure if I know how to meet strangers anymore.


…I wonder, is white noise the same as silence?


…I only have one deal-breaker. Care to guess?


…I don’t know about you, but I’ll be rooting for the birds.


…Aside from this one, have you ever read someone’s diary? Did they know you read it? How did it make you feel? 


…If you ask for something, then you can’t slay the giver when you get it.


…I’m getting pretty good at remembering to push save.


…I’m just looking for answers, same as you, I guess.


…I was reading an article about a celebrity where, in the middle of the interview, he matter-of-factly shared his therapist’s advice, no different than if he was talking about his mother. The nonchalance, and acceptance of it seemed kind of cool to me. It’s a far cry from when Senator Eagleton had to decline his nomination as Vice-President because he had once seen a psychologist.  


…You have to be careful what you give your energy to.


…“It’s just stuff,” is easy to say until it’s yours.


…I got a very kind note from a woman in England about my blog. I’ve never met her and don’t know how she ended up here, but that was nice.  Thank you, Lynne.


…I guess you can just write an executive order for anything or anyone you don’t like.


…Meaningless fact, but kind of “wow” numbers—Costco sold 229 million hotdogs last year, 518,000 carats of diamonds and 9 million pairs of glasses.


…If these trees could talk there’d be plenty of trouble to go around.


…Maybe I’m the problem.


…I wonder why I delete myself sometimes.


…You probably have to be incredibly good at compartmentalizing to be a therapist.


…I wonder why I like True Crime so much and why I feel guilty about it.


"You go out there and do the best you can, and you do things that are interesting to you. Hopefully it will be interesting to other people. I don't want to be adequate. I'd rather fail gloriously making something strange, awesome but ultimately a failure." Anthony Bourdain


…When things seem really grim, and then you find out they’re not, but that they’re actually five times worse than the original prognosis, well, that’s when grim just becomes a spectrum you have no control over, and what you once thought of as terrible now looks pretty good in hindsight. 


…It’s too easy to do nothing.


…“Len Kuntz was so inspiring. Huge compliment to him, he somehow helped push me to be better. Forever grateful!!” That was nice to see. I really needed it yesterday.


…I wish I didn’t have to say, “I used to,” so much.


…To argue your point calmly is a gift.


…It’s pretty hard not to ever be envious.


…I could have really used a drink last week.


…It’s interesting how settling it is when someone says, “I’m sorry,” even though they have no reason or responsibility to.


…Sometimes giving yourself grace is just making an excuse for poor behavior or habits.


…Someone should open up a Happiness Hotline where for a nominal fee you can ring them and somebody will be on the other end to cheer you up.


…Today’s word would be insanity. Yesterday’s was stupefied.


…As long as you have your health…

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