Friday, March 8, 2024




…And there you are, and there you’re not. 


…I really don’t hate Friday as much as I say. It was just one dark day where it all poured out, unscripted.


…Hold my hand, okay? It’s going to be a bumpy few weeks.


…Even my shoelaces smelled like Cabernet, though I didn’t notice.


…I might be the only guy who literally flips off books that I hate.


…Never read “Brian” unless you’re imprisoned for life, and that’s all there is.


…Sooner than later, I’m guessing.


…Get over yourself already. 


…I’ll have this one, another one, one more, and that’s it.


..."I sometimes feel that I am becoming and unbecoming whoever it was I was." Brontez Purnell


…“I don’t know, but I’ve been told…”


…Maybe we should just split the difference on this one and call it even, if you can't see it that way.


…I’m too tired to keep counting sheep that aren’t really there.


…I wonder if it’s actually as pretty as it looks from here, from what I’m feeling at this moment.


..."I often worry about the metaphor I’m becoming." Brontez Purnell


…I catch myself reclosing the very windows I should be jumping out of.


…Patience, practice and prayer, that’s the only way I know how to get out of this drought.


…“I believe I’ll pray, see what the end is going to be.”


…Maybe I really am the ghost I always thought myself to be.


Is that seat taken? Congratulations. Would you like to take a walk with me?


…I watch my fingers shake sometimes, and it’s like viewing a Geiger counter, or a lie-detector test.


…I’m definitely not winning this fight, and that’s okay.


…The streets are looking dangerous.


…A lot of times I hear my life reported back to me, past or present, in a voice-over that sounds somewhat like mine, and I’m not sure if that’s good, or if it means something I should pay special attention to.


…Where do all the Shadow People go?


…I got this, or so people tell me, one of my very least favorite expressions, but I don’t got anything.


…I’ll take a mulligan, if I’m able.


…It’s hard to be this sad and not totally break.


…It’s funny, or ironic, or something like that, the way things turned out.


…Well, there’s always, “Ooh La La.”


…I should have felt more this week. What’s wrong with me?


…You can really hold a grudge. I guess we’re both really good at that.


…So, that’s just how it’s gonna be. Okay. Okay.


…The key is to stay above the noise, but that’s not so easy.


…A lot of times I hear my life reported back to me and it sounds like no one I’ve ever known.


…“Just a sentence. Start small. See where it takes you.”


…I should go somewhere, but I have nowhere to go anymore.


…It really is, “Different strokes for different folks.” I just need to remind myself of that regularly.


…You never know. You never know.


…How could someone know you so well but not know you have an eating disorder?


…Am I really the only person who notices, when you’re in a crowd, that there are no black people there?


…Anxiety is really awful.


…Can you be unhappy and hopeful at the same time? Hmmm.


…I’ve said this before, but turbulence is definitely not my friend.


…It’s pretty interesting people-watching at an airport. I always wonder what that person is thinking, what they’re carrying around inside themselves.


…I’m scrapping all of the “Friday” pieces I wrote, as my best friend advised me. All twenty-one of them.


…My life is going to swing pretty soon. Like right now.


…I sure hope I’m not making another huge mistake. I’ll let you know in another week or so.


…I might need a prayer, or three.


…It’s really difficult to finish a bad book or film. But then I once watched all of “Ishtar” on an airplane.  


…I realize I think too much. It’s a problem I’ve had since I was a young boy.


…Young boy, young boy, young boy.


…It seems redundant to explain to a Hispanic person what a terrible person T is, but sometimes you have to do it, nonetheless.


…Walking on these slopes is like laying belly-up in the ocean, waiting for that one great wave to arrive.


…I realized I finally look my age. Maybe even older than I am now.


…A cane could do the trick. But so could getting paid.


…But what about tomorrow?

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