Wednesday, January 25, 2023




…So, it’s Wednesday, one more day closer to Thursday and I’ve got “Julia,” by Mt. Joy, stuck in my head, after having had Miley Cyrus’s new song, “Flowers” stuck in my head forever.

But that’s neither here nor there…


…Midweek, here are some things that made me pause and think, and when a thing does that, even if I don’t know why, or what it exactly means at the time, I take a note and ponder over it... 


…“I think people are incapable of not caring. People are amazing. They really are. You’re amazing. Look at you right now. You're beautiful.” Charlie, The Whale


…“It’s sometimes hard to live in hope.” Karen Keller


…“I didn’t want to mess with happy. And we’re very happy. It’s really a very complex thing. But it’s also incredibly simple at the same time.” Aaron Goldsmith, on withdrawing his name for consideration as the voice of the St. Louis Cardinals, St. Louis being his hometown


 “I knew that I could not take a job, Cardinals or otherwise, based on money or ego. When I thought about talking to my kids about this, years down the road, when they’re old enough to understand life a little bit, if they were to ask me, ‘Dad, why did we move from Seattle to St. Louis?’ I would have to tell them, ‘So that Dad could be more famous and make more money.’ And we all know that those are both terrible reasons.” Aaron Goldsmith


…“Sometimes I wonder if the purpose of my writing is to find out whether other people have done or felt the same things, or if not, for them to consider experiencing such a thing as normal.” Annie Ernaux


…“I don’t think anyone can save anyone else.” Liz, The Whale


…“Having to answer such questions as, ‘Is it an autobiography?’ and having to justify this or that may have stopped many books from seeing the light of day, except in the form of a novel, which succeeds in saving appearances.” Annie Ernaux

…” I need to
read more
write more
finish what
I start and

--Iris N. Schwartz


…“Language had always saved me. The way we can play with it, surrender to it, lose ourselves in it. Wreck and recover on its shores.” Ada Limón


…“It’s a thin line between Heaven and Hell.” Bubs, The Wire


…“Once I start typing out the text, once it appears before me in public characters, I shall be through with innocence.” Annie Ernaux


…“The most interesting plants grow in the shade.” Marilyn Thornhill, Wednesday


...“Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe.” John Lennon, I Am The Walrus


...“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird


…“It doesn’t have to be blue iris, it can be weeds in a vacant lot. 

Just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don’t try to make them elaborate. This isn’t a contest but the doorway into thanks. A silence in which another voice may speak.” 

- Mary Oliver, Praying


...“In a sense, all film is entering into someone else’s dreams. Maybe we can even share the same dreams, exchange the same experiences.” David Lynch


...“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.” David Crosby


…“I know what’s it like, to sit waiting for an email.” K.P.

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