Wednesday, November 3, 2021





…Happy Hump Day.  (I sort of hate that expression, and vow never to use it again.


…Through this Friday, Lulu is offering a 20% discount with the use of the code: EARLYBIRD

Here’s the link for my new book, if you’re interested:


…Here were some recently published pieces that received some really nice feedback.



I just read this out loud to myself and cried. This is a beautiful, loving, heart breaking poem by Len Kuntz up at Eunoia Review


Oh! Len, you do know how to reach the heart with your words, seemingly spare but oh-so-powerful.


Wow! So powerful.


Oh man Len. Few words needed. You have such an incredible talent!


I had the pleasure and honor of meeting the writer, Len Kuntz. Here is one of his pieces that moves me big time.


One of my favorites. Captures all the very real emotion.


Powerful and devastating and so beautifully written


So good.


Exquisitely expressed. So very, very sad.


Love this one, Len.


Oh Len. My heart is broken. It is often so difficult to know what to say, but your poem is so eloquent.


Sad and real, Len. Well well done.


This may be by far the most beautiful precious thing you've ever written and you can feel the emotion! You can't help but cry!


very moving


Beautiful, and what a perfect ending.


This is gut-wrenching, Len. And so powerfully written.


Ecstasy in the agony of that moment; putting into motion those breath-stopping times when you're at a loss for words. What writing; wow.


This is gut-wrenching, Len. And so powerfully written.


Mmmm. I cod hear the percussion and echo in this, like a slam poem that knows how to rumble against the rain.


Yes, powerful and so sad

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