Friday, October 4, 2013


…Finally, I had a burst of productivity, writing  2,300 words while my dog took various naps.  Hopefully this surge will stay around.
Now onto the novel…

…What’s up with twerking?  What’s up with twerking against a wall backward?  God Lord.

…I majored in Poli Sci at college.  When I was really young I wanted to be President.  I’ve always loved politics, both nationally and internationally and I’m still very well-read on both, but what’s happening right now is sickening even me.
Won’t say anymore, because another tirade won’t do much good.

…Here are some fun Facebook comments from my friends to tide you over for the weekend:

-A few weeks ago, I got bit by a deer tick. I just looked up the symptoms for Lyme's disease. The trouble is, symptom for symptom, it's looking a lot like menopause.

Just saw a real person on actual real world Earth, named Moe. It's not just a myth. Moes exist.

-If you don't have anything nice to say come sit next to me.


CRAZY GUY: Have you ever been wanted by the law?
ME: No.
CRAZY GUY: Me neither....

Few minutes pass.

CRAZY GUY: In Italy we strangled a guy.
ME: Oh yeah?
CRAZY GUY: There are like 14 pictures.

-People that I have a lot of dirt on should be very pleased that I've made changes in my life.

-Work called. i am not at work. work did not leave a message. i will not be calling work back.

-Kid at the grocery store asked me if I had new glasses. I wondered how he knew and asked him. I still had the plastic sticker on the lens. I have worn them for three days. Getting old ain't pretty.

-Cowboys butts drive me nuts.

-I was at the Book Fair walking through the author's tent (where self-publishers go to die) and this guy smiled and waved me over like he knew me. He didn't know me. He handed me a flyer and I looked at it. It was for a book on weight loss.

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