Thursday, December 8, 2011


…Is there a better song than Jeff Buckley’s version of “Hallelujah”? No, there really isn’t.

…I have a new poem, “I Can Be Your Sweat-stained Shirts” and two short pieces up at UCity Review. They're also here under “Words In Print.”

…Yesterday I actually accepted two stories for publication in Metazen. It’s been a long stretch where I’ve rejected about 30 pieces. But that’s about the average: one acceptance for every ten rejections.

…Yesterday, Dark Chaos, another online literary journal, called it quits. That usually seems to happen around this time of year. The pressure of normal life, the holidays and then editing a journal—well, I guess it all becomes a little much.

…Yesterday I stopped in the middle of things and I wrote a piece I really end up liking, written in that free form punctuation-devoid style I’ve been working with. It’s about a guy who falls in love with his wife’s sister at his wife’s sister’s wedding and then, years and years later, the man’s wife dies and the man finally has a chance to be with his dead wife’s sister and…

…Yesterday I had my 575th acceptance since May of 2009.

…Yesterday I ate too much so this morning I slept in.

…Yesterday I thought about you.

“It ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we're talking about when we talk about love.” Raymond Carver

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