Wednesday, May 22, 2024




a box-shaped thing


run the tap and I’ll make us a soapy bath full of bubble clouds like hotdog balloons and a series of see-through moons clinging to your breasts and the puckered tips of your nipples there’s still time to save the world but let’s have a soak first I’ll wash your hair with clouds of foam and you’ll lean your spine against my cock and I’ll throb of course while we figure out a way to somehow cum in this box-shaped thing and when we’re finally clean we’ll step out of the tub noticing at once how dirty everything is the bathroom counter sooty the bedroom gray fumes kitchen grizzly the closet dull leaden the world smoldering and pungent from so many dropped bombs and Hypersonic missiles even way out here in this little town where everything is rugged yet pristine there are streams of residual smoke and carnage oh and are those really someone’s ashes landing in the trees?  

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