Friday, June 7, 2019


…Sometimes I cry, and I don’t even know why I’m crying.  But I usually feel better afterward.

…Sometimes what I love shows up at 2am and rushes in to turn me inside out.  Sometimes what I love doesn’t show up at all.

…Sometimes I’m reminded of all I’ve gotten rid of, and everything else that has to go, too.

…There is the happiness you have and there’s the happiness you deserve. 

…I don’t need you sell me on reasons to want you…

…Even from far, far away the heart remembers where it sat.

“I will bring you a whole person
and you will bring me a whole person
and we will have twice as much
of love and everything.” –Mari Evans

…Somehow this changed my view of everything, the big and the small.

…It’s true that writing often makes me dumber, if that’s even possible.  So, you might not want to read further.

…And now the smallest things are important.  So important.


…Someone asked me to write about beginnings and endings.  Those are a couple of things I know something about.  Endings was tragic, of course, but Beginnings was pretty cute, if I’m even able to say that.

…Those fucking ghosts.  Just go away, please.  Why can’t you?

…Is I Love You a fact?  If we say yes, is that because it’s a fact or because we believe it?  What then is the difference?

…People are dying, that’s a fact, for sure.

…On the corner of Main Street, just trying to keep it in line…

…The lack of proper oxygen can cause a lot of problems in people like me.

…Sometimes it’s comforting to know you’re irrelevant.  There should be more of that.

…Anymore my dreams are mostly strangers who play my friends and we spend a lot of time avoiding each other.

…Sometimes I look sad for my age.

…Everyone hears two voices, whether they acknowledge them or not.

…I became lonely for my ship, whatever ship that might be.

…Life is nothing but an instruction you must obey, no matter how confusing the instructions are.

…It’s funny how you just break down.  You’re waiting on some sign..

…You never know who’s carrying a screwdriver in their gut.  That’s why it’s smart to be polite to everyone, even the oddballs.

…We can all make ourselves believe anything we want, even when we don’t want to.

…Sometimes a true story becomes true overnight.

…She said, “I don’t mind, if you don’t mind.”  She said, “Put your back on me.”

…When you are away, I’m jealous of your life.

…As sure as memory steals, dreams stack love against us.

…Before you jump, tell me what you find.

…It’s the smallest things that break my heart.

…Waiting is everything.  Just you wait and see.

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