Monday, June 17, 2019


…This is probably the second most personal thing I’ve ever written that wasn’t cloaked in fiction:

…What really counts are the friends that are there for you when you need them, even if you don’t realize how much you need them.  It’s about the friends who show up and don’t pack it in and leave.

…For whatever reason, I’ve been writing a lot of magic realism, most of it about body parts and such:

…Yesterday I got to live, and for that I’m grateful.  But though it was Father’s Day, it was a pretty strange day, and one of my loneliest.  Today?  Well…

…It doesn’t get much better than hearing an infant say, “Flower”
 after they’ve picked one, or making a deep O sound when trying to pronounce the word orange.

…People pass by and stare.  I don’t really blame them.  But what does anybody really know about what’s going on with anyone else?  Best not to make assumptions.

…It’s true--I’m a sucker for kids and coincidences.

To write a snow poem,
you must ignore the snow
falling outside your window.”
—Richard Hugo

…There are all different kinds of scarlet letters.  Some are a weight you drag with you from room to room.

…There are a lot of sad people in the world, but only a few professionals.

…Sometimes the only way to say No comes in a Yes.

…I wonder if there’s a way to inch oneself toward bravery, to push the needle in a centimeter at a time, share all that ugliness, scrap by scrap.

I think it’s better if you write poems that look like you.”—Richard Hugo

…How are you doing?  Ppl ask me that a lot lately, but to answer honestly, would just be souring their day.  That’s why there are these things called little white lies.

…Even in the sunshine the edges can go dark.

…Do I ever think about It?  Sure, some days I do.  But I don’t think it’ll ever happen.

…But then I see these guys and I think, quit your goddamn bitching and moaning.

"I believe that we have to cherish the pain we experience, as we cherish the joy.  Be kind to everyone you meet, for everyone is fighting a great battle."-Gloria Vanderbilt

…I guess I’m wondering--how do you know what I need?--since  I never told you.

…I knew all along that this was one hell of a story.  Why do you think I keep writing of it?

…I don’t expect you to understand.

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