Friday, July 26, 2024





We were 

young lions 

& knew it 

laughing at  

spastic crows 

on the tracks 

too impatient 

to wonder

too reckless 

for stooge cops 

booksmarts or 

anything else that

didn’t bleed juice

We had years 

on our side 

rows of corn &

a thousand 

unfulfilled wishes

not yet hatched

All we wanted 

was to win 

though no one 

kept score 

because destiny 

was a smile & 

a party dress

so why the fuck care

We should have 

died a dozen times

but our bones

were made of brass

while our hearts 

tripped staccato 

& those crows 

& those tracks

& those books

& cops

man they didn’t 

tell us nothing 

we couldn’t find 

in a mirror 

raked white & 

licked clean

We knew we’d 

never be hungry

split apart or old

not a single cub

Funny how we 

knew it all 

just ask us now

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