Wednesday, February 8, 2023



…This morning, even before the crack of dawn shows her gooey-eyed pupils to the world, I’ll be on an airplane heading to see my best friend, who somehow, stops everything from shaking, saves me, again and again and again.

I hope you have someone like that in your life. 

Let the fun, and laughter, commence.

(Maybe I’ll even post a pic.) 

By all accounts, it should be epic, once more. I’m pretty damn excited and so, right now, I’ll leave you with some things I like, or have pondered over, so far this week…


…I have I ever mentioned here, how much I love hail? 

As I write this, it’s coming down so spectacularly hard, like poetry that’s driving a nail to the heart of things without even trying.


…“The cure for anything is salt water—sweat, tears, or the sea.”  Izak Dinesen, her non-de-plume


…“All water has perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.” Toni Morrison


…“What is writing, but the preservation of ghosts? Cameron Awkward-Rich


At the end of the day… I kind of hate that expression, it seems very lax, yet, at the end of the day, all you can really do is love hard, pray strong, and try to be a better person.


…I woke up at 3 a.m. three times in the last 5 days, and on occasion  it was precisely 63 in my office, one degree, more or less precisely older than I am at this moment.


…How can you not see that this is a gift?


…“One must dare to be happy.” Gertrude Stein


“Since we do float on an unknown sea, I think we should examine the other floating things that come our way carefully; who knows what may depend on it?” - Elizabeth Bishop


…“In a way, forgiving people is a pompous activity. But it’s also necessary, isn’t it?” Frank McCourt


…It’s always funny when my watch congratulates me on being “way ahead of my Move and Exercise rings for this time of day” when it’s only because I’ve been up since 3 a.m.


…Throwing up, then trying all day not to throw up buckets more, has to be one of the most awful things. (See: this Monday.)


…Wrapped in a sharp fit of fear, anyone will become gullible and act in a way they would not normally. It might seem so incredibly stupid afterward, but at the time, you were on the edge and you were scared.

I know that feeling firsthand, and it’s no fun at all.


...Wow, these tree branches outside my window have really been moving and shuddering this week. Looks like a Pixar film gone too far.


…It’s frustrating when you know you have a book somewhere on your shelves, but you can’t find it when you finally want to delve in, so you order it again and later find out you have three copies.

I know, I know…privilege, and first world problems.

But there was a time, quite a stretch, where the only books I read were borrowed or stolen.


…“I don’t know who else needs to hear this, but living your life to the fullest does not have to involve hiking.” Belinda Subraman


…Maybe today’s the day, after all of these years.


…Really? Nothing more? Okay then. So be it.


…Red, in pre-edit, means a probable mistake. Red, can symbolize love, embarrassment, anger, ego, shame, raw, rare, love-blush, lack of communication or cooperation, murder or blood.

Red, I couldn’t get you when I should have, and I still can’t now.

Every color, every word, can mean so many different things, and that’s why communication is so important.

Put down that stupid fucking gun, and let’s have a talk about it.


“Luck is something we created to make sense of the things we can’t change.” Charlie, Poker Face


Spent the whole day in my head, do a little spring cleaning, I’m always too busy dreaming.


…“I had to blow the candles out for her, my daughter, but I didn’t make a wish because it had already come true.” Jodi Miller


…“Nothing changes, really, about love.” Alice Munro


…“If there is any magic in the world, it must be an attempt at understanding someone.” Richard Linklater


Top Three Things I’ve Learned About Doing the Work 

1. We are all works in progress. 

2. The work is never done (because no one can ever be perfect). 

3. The work looks different for everyone. 

--Susan Colasanti


Well, maybe I should wake up instead, a lot of things I regret, but I just say I forget.


…“Just because you’re wearing your underwear inside-out doesn’t mean they’re clean.” Charlie, Poker Face


Oh, I hate the feeling, when you’re high, but you’re underneath the ceiling. 


…“Cartoonist found dead in home. Details are sketchy.” Randall Brown

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