Wednesday, February 24, 2021





In The Moment


…I love it when the rain is its own thunder, making it impossible to hear anything other than the deluge itself while the lake looks like it’s boiling. 


That’s the kind of rain that’ll get your attention and keep it. That’s the kind of rain we had yesterday for quite a long while. I’m guessing a few inches pooled and slurred within minutes.


It’s the type of rain that makes you think God is really frustrated and pissed off. That he has to go really bad.


The kind of rain that’s scary to drive in, but fun to make-out in.


Rain that rules the world where you are.


Rain that won’t let you read or write or think about anyone in the moment.


Rain that reminds you it’s nature who controls everything, and you’re not any part of that.


That reminds you you’re just not that interesting.


Rain that takes the wind with it, stand-up-straight-but-sideways wind. Wind that bows to the rain but still wants to be noticed, because doesn’t everyone want to be noticed?


Rain that shifts gears and sounds like its coughing or grinding down a very stubborn stone you might have once admired.


Rain that makes the sky blush twenty-nine shades of gray.


Rain that makes you wonder when you last said your prayers and what you’d asked for.


Rain that helps you forget the pandemic and your parents for a while.


Pregnant rain that sends the ducks and eagle and beaver for cover.


Rain that asks you what you believe in, and how sure you are about that, and what you’ll do the next time someone leaves you again, for good.


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