Friday, October 11, 2024



 …It’s a little freaky when your heartbeat looks like a Geiger counter.


…Of all the organs in my body, I always thought my heart was the safe one. Nope.


…It’s taken a while, but I’m learning how to live on the edges, how to work around the misery.


…Yesterday I was really missing the bunny hop.


…If you could know when, and how, you were going to die, would you want to? I never thought I would, but I’m starting to lean that way.


…Being competitive certainly is a double-edged sword.


…Everybody needs a hero. But heroes are really just people, too.


…RBG said she’d move to Australia if it happened. That’s probably a good plan B.


…If you can picture a six-foot-three scarecrow stumbling around the road like he’s on stilts, that’ll be me.


…I’m somehow still alive while all those curtains fall.


…I’ve got to stop getting ahead of myself, or behind, just get in line, that’s what I need to do.


I got something to hold back. If I put up a fight, it’ll follow me home.


…Always second-guessing yourself is no way to live.


…I only want one thing for Christmas. Please?


…I’m trying to learn how to not care about someone’s problems more than they do.


…“Where shall I hide my things?” Emily Dickinson


…It can be too easy to give yourself too much grace.


…I think maybe I know more than I should.

You make me feel high, you make me feel blue…but this shit is hard, I guess that both can be true.

...It's interesting now, being the lone sober one.


…These birds must think I’m nuts, walking around the house in circles.

...The hard thing is learning to say the quiet part out loud.


…And suddenly, the phrase My heart skipped a beat has an entirely different meaning. 


your life is your life

don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.

be on the watch.

there are ways out.

there is light somewhere.

it may not be much light but

it beats the darkness.

be on the watch.

the gods will offer you chances.

know them.

take them.

you can’t beat death but

you can beat death in life, sometimes.

and the more often you learn to do it,

the more light there will be.

your life is your life.

know it while you have it.

you are marvelous

the gods wait to delight

in you.

—Charles Bukowski

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