Friday, October 18, 2024



…I read somewhere that it helps to write things down.


…What were all those things I was going to do on a different day?


…If you’re asking, I haven’t got anywhere else to be. 


…I was up awfully early but still only managed to catch the beaver’s wake.


…I wonder what it would be like to be a morning person.


…Yesterday, right after dawn, I just sat by window watching it rain for days.


…I’ve never seen a rainbow disappear as fast as that one, but maybe it was just the angle I had.


…I guess I don’t get it—are all those kids (that aren’t going back) really being homeschooled?


…I hear you, and I see you.


…There are a lot of ways to tell a story.


…What if the person you think is gaslighting you isn’t thinking about you at all?


…One of the things I’m most proud of? This


…How can Snoop Dog be everywhere all at once?


…You’ve got to love lightning and thunder when it shows up, especially at night, like on Wednesday.


…I’m getting pretty good at taking a hint.


…One regret is not having asked better questions.


…You and I both know what it was.


…Ultimately, you can’t fight gravity.

They give us some nice bright colors


…If you know, you know, and you should know by now.


…“What are your intentions?” That’s always a smart question to ask when starting out.


…I’m living proof that you can think too much. 


…Suspect follow-through is always something to be wary of.


…I guess what’s going to happen is going to happen, so there’s no sense in worrying about it, though worrying is naturally rooted in doubt.


…I wonder what it means when you don’t want to talk to anyone.


…If it seems to be too good to be true, that’s because it is.


…I can’t afford any more lost weeks. Can anyone?


…It’s not a one-way street, but it definitely feels like I’m driving my lane faster than you are yours.


…I tried, but I guess it wasn’t enough.


There’s a million little reasons for why I want you here.


…I must finally be growing up, because I’m learning to laugh at bad luck. What else are you going to do?


…“We just got to show him love. I mean, that’s really all we have.” William Jones, on how to help a recently released inmate from prison.


…One would think that 11 years of nonsense should be enough by now. But, no.


…“Turns out I fucked up by thinking I had fucked up.” S. Leatham 


…At least I can still shave with one hand. Used to be, I’d sign a book and the person would immediately ask afterward, “How’s your health?”


…As my son explained to me, practice doesn’t always mean perfect. If you practice the wrong way for a long time, you’re going to end up anything but perfect.


…I guess the goal is not to be forgotten.


…One of the worst things is having a bad dream, waking up, then falling asleep again only to fall right back into that bad dream. That was my entire evening/morning recently.


…I’m surprised every single day, and it’s not usually a good surprise.


…Yikes. Less than three weeks now.


…What are you thinking?


…If I had a dollar for every doubt I have, well…


…I’m starting to really doubt the law of averages.


…I used to believe everything happens for a reason. Not anymore.


…What have you got working this weekend? Whatever it is, I hope you end up being fruitful.


…It sure is awfully quiet.


…If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess the power is out everywhere.


…Are we the only species who know we’re killing ourselves, and our children, and their children, but not doing anything about it?


…It’s funny the places you find answers to the things you thought you never would.


…It might be time to go find a little golf ball.


…Most of these attempted cyber scams seem awfully idiotic, but somebody must fall for them.


…I’ve never had a dream where I was someone else. I’m still waiting.


…In college, a group of us used to take mushrooms. It was purely recreational. Really. We’d walk fields as a group, go to the Asotin County Fair, traverse the streets near the Ave… I remember laying down in the middle of the road one time in some cul de sac around midnight. Looking up at the stars, they spelled out an important message in Morse code. I wish I could remember what that important information was. 


…You have to be awfully lost to jump out a hotel window.


…Some of us are lost in other ways.


…But you’re not. You know precisely where you’re headed, and why.

…A cardioversion sounds like such a benign procedure, unless you’re the one having it done to you. 


…I’m just going to stick around for a while, if that’s okay with you.

…Anyway, we’ll see…

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