Monday, April 8, 2024




…Hey, Monday. Take it easy on me, please. I still feel tender.


…What do you think? Let’s just do this, see if it makes us cry or smile, feel less, or more than.


…Pain is good for something—it reminds us that we’re alive. (Like I need a reminder.)


…Those birds must think I’m awfully wacky, walking in circles around the house at 3 am, lights out, shadows everywhere.


…It’s probably a good idea to exhale once and a while. I just have to remind myself of that. 


…I don’t really think it’s true at all—that misery loves company. Misery really just loves itself, and wants to wallow.


…I kind of want to hide today. Find a hole. Find a blanket. And get covered up.


…Everyone looks so happy. I’m glad.


Don’t be a baby.


…Imagination is the key. When you can’t smell anything, you have to imagine what your food tastes like. You have to rely on memory, or make it all up as you go along.


…I never thought I’d be here.


…I bragged about not being angry a while ago, but since then, I’ve been plenty angry. 


…I’m not sure if social media is supposed to inspire you, or make you want to kill yourself.


…Dogs. Puppies. Deer. Those are all good things we could use more of.


…I’ll try again, harder this time.


…It’s hard to know if this dome is Heaven, or a prison.


…I wonder if I’m the only one who ever feels this way.


…Poetry is so irrational. Most times it only makes sense to the person who, for whatever reason, wrote it.


…I don’t always agree with my friends, but if they give a fuck, I’ll listen as objectively as I can.


…My father in-law recently asked me if I was ever in the military. Wait, what? That caught me off guard. He may still have been in shock over the death of his wife, my mother. So, I opened up my coat and shook it, said, “Look at me. What do you think? What military would possibly have me?”


…It might only take an hour, two hours, to change the whole trajectory of your life. You never know.


…Today I wanted to flip off God, but I couldn’t do it. I saw Him looking at me like I was a petulant child, and I got scared.


…Someday I’ll write the perfect poem, and I’ll send it to you.  


…I was advised to listen to “Bang on the Drum,” which is funny because I remember hearing that with my daughter when she was 14 or so, and I kept asking her if she knew what the song meant, and then toward the end she screamed, “I GET IT NOW!”  


…Isn’t music one of the best things ever?


…The other day, I looked down and there were bright sprockets of rich blood smeared all over my carpet. Evidentially, I’d stepped on a piece of glass that became imbedded in my heel. It’s amazing what you can, and can’t feel.


…I don’t need any more advice, but instructions for living, I’ll take that.


…Benjamin Braddock’s got nothing on me, in the moment.


…I learned a lot more about listening better today. Sometimes you want people to blast things out clearly, but speaking softly and kindly is way more effective. 


…A lot of times social media seems like such puffery, and total bullshit.


…This might take a million years. And so what, if it does?


…I wasn’t going to cry today. I mean, I wasn’t.


…The longest intro to a song has to be, “Pictures of You.” Robert looks incredibly awkward standing there all stiff in the fake snow like a totem, but it’s a pretty fucking great song, nonetheless.  


…Everything’s ready. The only thing I’m missing is people.


…Being an outsider is okay so long as you don’t take anything personally. Otherwise, it gets awfully messy.


…I think Robert Smith and I could be best friends, if we had the chance.


…Same with Chris Cornell, if he was still alive.


…“Who wouldn’t want to imagine that life might take shape, have a formula? That the years didn’t just pass through you?” Emma Cline


…There’s something in my heel that keeps bleeding. Maybe my heart has moved. I haven’t seen it lately.


...Down south, that’s where I’d like to be right now.


…Monday only sucks if you have a job, and if you remember what day it is.


…Generally speaking, most guys are bad guys. Watch out.


…I wrote a lot of nonsensical stuff early this morning while you were still sleeping. I hope your dreams were better than mine.


…“I got into an argument with a nun,” is something I texted myself, but I’ve still not written that piece yet.


…I don’t think I’ve ever met an actual nun.


…I could use a snowball fight right now. “Let it rip.”


…Cathy and Go Go… Now there’s a story, or two. I mean, who has calves for pets?


…There’s nothing you can say that hasn’t already been said, but you can say it differently, in your own way, with your unique voice. Remember that.


…I almost made it through Saturday without crying. Almost…


Swing! And a miss!


…Don’t mind me. I just stumbling around, looking desperately for the Architecture Building.


...Oh, boy.


…Pour me a short one, and then we’ll puck, once my fingers finally stop shaking, and I’ll try really, really hard not to hit you.


Why you gotta be?


…I know there’s some joy around here somewhere, I just can’t remember where I left it.


…I’ve got to get ahead while I still can. 


…I should probably take a nap while I still can.


…I’m taking one now

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