Wednesday, January 31, 2024





…Not everything means something.


…See? I wasn’t kidding.

...You're still my first thing.


…Happy or content, mix the salad bowl nevertheless.


…Sometimes I just don’t know where to go.


Point me, in the direction of Albuquerque.


…I was offered a stimulant, and refused it, at age 18, while driving from Pullman, WA to Denver without stopping. That’s a mistake I’ll never make again.


…It’s funny how some things return to circulation. Like my son just got a new record player and a Polaroid camera which he adores. 


 The Bottle


A child stands motionless.

He holds a bottle in his hands.

There’s a ship in the bottle. 

He stares at it with eyes

that do not blink.

He wonders where a tiny ship

can sail to if it’s held

prisoner in a bottle. 

Fifty years from now you will

find out, Captain Martin,

for the sea (large as it is)

is only another bottle.

-- Richard Brautigan



…Each day is a time to think about what you’re doing with the rest of your life.


It’s too late, to turn back now.


…It’s the splinters that hurt the most, those tiny little slices that never go away, and that you can’t pluck out with a Tweezer no matter how hard you try.


…When the kids come home and don’t stop by my office, I know something is up, one way or another.


…I’m right here.


…Busting the tropes—now there’s a great idea.


…Who knew that napping was one of the greatest past times ever?


…My computer is a stubborn thing. Yesterday she shut down on me for no conceivable reason and almost wouldn’t open again. I think I’m pretty nice to her, so I don’t get that.


…I hope the world ends up better than I think it will.


It’s a long way, to where I’m going


…I had my favorite meal yesterday, by myself, prosciutto and mozzarella with olive oil and chunky pepper. I don’t think I tasted a bit of it, but it looked good.


…Anymore, me driving at night is like a guy blowing .15 or more.


…One thing I know for certain is that I could be a lot more productive.


…This late in the game, you really need a purpose.


…Does it mean something when every Friend Request you get is a naked, or almost naked pic, from some Russian woman?


…Does it really matter how many friends or followers you have on social media? Aren’t there bigger issues?


…If we don’t fund Ukraine, they’re toast. You can fight Goliath but you gotta have weaponry. Putin is evil. Can you imagine us just invading Canada by simply claiming they were “Nazi-lovers”? I mean, how can you just get away with something like that?


…Maybe I’ll sleep, or maybe I won’t. Only time will tell.


…One thing’s for certain: It’s not good for me to have this much time alone.


…If I still had Lucy, it might be different.


…I don’t really know why I hate Friday so much. I’m sorry, Friday.


…One hundred plaintiffs is 99 too many by anyone’s account.


…Shake yourself, Patterson.


…I’m a romantic, but I can’t, for the life of me, remember the first girl I kissed. Can you?


…I wish I had more questions, and I guess, I also wish I had more answers.


…Hearing your kids happy—that’s like fruit salad; colorful and too loud, but perfect.


…The thing about wishing, or praying, is there’s no agency. It’s like expecting The Red Cross to drop a box of chocolates in your lap when you haven’t done a single thing.


…Anymore, it’s awfully expensive just to live.


…I don’t ever want to be someone that is loathed. I’d rather burn in Hell.


…You’ve got to know yourself a lot better if you’re going to survive in the world.


…I wish I knew myself better.


…It’s not a laughing matter, although laughing is hugely important in the scheme of things.


…I tend to get maudlin a lot and I’m not exactly sure why that is.


…Off probation. Yay.


…I’m aware I’m a big basket to have to hold onto.


…I think tomorrow’s going to be a good day. Why wouldn’t it be?


You might just make it after all.

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