Friday, April 28, 2023




…Yesterday was a good day to be alive, and today is, too. 


--Tigger: “How do you spell that?”

--Winnie the Pooh: “You don’t spell it, you feel it.”


…"My dear Liv, you are everywhere - in the light against the window, in the bathroom door, on the bed, in the chair. It hurts like hell to see you on the other side of the glass wall. I pray you bond with me. My heart misses you as if I no longer had any skin on my body. That you would embrace me and obtain me in what is you, in your femininity and tenderness. This is a little like hell, almost romantic." 

--Letter from Ingmar Bergman to Liv Ullmann


…It doesn’t take a genius to know what’s going on.


…I’ll split the difference with you, if that works for you.


…Writing instructors always say, “There is no such thing as wasted writing,” but I’m not so sure I believe that. I’ve written many, many miles of crappy stuff and it all seems like a waste.


…“Surround yourself with people who lift you up.” Sounds easier than it is. 


…Essential Tremor…such an odd name. And such an unnerving malady. 


…“My darling (my still) My husband,

I wish I could tell you of my love for you, of my fear, my delight, my pure animal pleasure of you — (with you) — my jealousy, my pride, my anger at you, at times. Most of all my love for you, and whatever love you can dole out to me — I wish I could write about it but I can't. I can only 'boil and bubble' inside and hope you understand how I really feel.

Anyway, I lust for thee.

Your (still) Wife.

P.S.  O'Love, let us never take each other for granted again!

P.P.S.  How about that — 10 years!”

-- Letter from Elizabeth Taylor to Richard Burton days before their divorce


Next thing you know


…April came through. Took her a while, but her final moments have all been sun-filled thus far.


…“There’s a world of shadows that we don’t hear that returns to us through art.” Andrei Tarvosky


…Broken like Valiums and chumps in the rain

That cry and quiver

When a blue horizon is sleeping in the station

With a ticket for a train

Surely mine will deliver me there.”

—Rickie Lee Jones

...I'm always looking for that red light.


 ...I Know the Truth 


I know the truth — give up all other truths!

No need for people anywhere on earth to struggle.

Look — it is evening, look, it is nearly night:

what do you speak of, poets, lovers, generals?

The wind is level now, the earth is wet with dew,

the storm of stars in the sky will turn to quiet.

And soon all of us will sleep under the earth, we

who never let each other sleep above it.

-- Marina Tsvetaeva


…Today’s a good day to be alive. Yesterday will be as well.


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